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Yet to be added
Yet to be added
Some Armenian Church inscriptions for Colootollah between 1804 and 1863 extracted from Bengal Past and Present.
Serial No. | Year of death | Surname | Tomb or monument to the memory of | Inscription |
386 | 8 Sep 1804 | Aslan | Daniel Aslan | This is the tomb of DANIEL, son of Aslan from Tiflis, who departed this life at Calcutta on the 18th day of Nadar in the year 1804 A.D., aged 65 years. |
387 | 15 Aug 1815 | Paul | Jacob Paul | Here lieth the body of MR. JACOB PAUL, died on the 15th August 1815 A.D. |
388 | 18 Sep 1818 | Paul | Paul J. Paul | Here lieth the body of MR. PAUL J. PAUL, died on the 18th September 1818 A.D. |
389 | 1 Feb 1863 | Landrick | Margaret Landrick | Sacred to the memory of MRS MARGARET LANDRICK, who departed this life on the 1st February 1863, aged 100 years. |
To be added
- Sophia Bagram Vardon
- Hambartzoom Simon Vardanian
- Shoshan Tigran
- Zenobia Stephen
- Vagashack Tigran Stephen
- Charlotte Stephens
- Charlotte Stephens
- Joseph John Seth
- Joseph John Seth
- Hyrapiet Bethlehem Sookias
- Ripsima Sookias
- Vahan Hyrapiet Sookias
- Helen Dolly Sookias
- Apraham Stephens
- Diana Sarkies
- Arratoon Samuel
- Esther Pashofe nee Piranian
- Jean Elaine Birch Owen
- Elizabeth Nierses
- Rupen Thaddeus Nicholas
- Mary Iris Nicholas
- Meena John Monsour
- Tigran Monsour
- Alexander Aurelius Nadjarian
- Margaret Nadjarian
- Avietick Marcar Seth Nahapiet
- Elsie Avietic Nahapiet
- Margaret Nicolaides
- David MacBeth Moir
- Lucas Minos
- Lucas Minos
- Virginia Michael
- Charlie Michae
- Mary Sarkies Martin
- Martyrose Lazar Martin
- Regina Florence MacGibbon
- Teresa Manuk
- Zorab Theodore Manuk
- Elizabeth Catchatoor Marcar
- Arathoon Martin
- Elizabeth Martin
- Jordan Martin
- Haik Lucas
- Dorothy Phyllis Lucas
- Hovan Jordan
- Thaddeus Marooth Jordan
- Fredrick Charles John
- Varthini Isaiah Johannes
- Mary Eliazar Johannes
- Galiston Marcar Gregory
- Luke Arrathoon Gregory
- Rose Gregory nee Gasper
- Simon Joseph Gregory
- Nierses P. Hagobian
- Gasper Thaddeus Isaiah
- Mack Joaquim
- Leo George
- George Joseph George
- Thadeus Catchick Gasper
- Thadeus Catchick Gasper
- Eraniak Ter B. Ter Gasper
- Elizabeth Michael Gasparian
- Elizabeth Michael Gasparian
- Catchatoor Johannes Catchatoor
- Dr. Marie Catchatoor
- Androughy Catchick
- Mary Eardon
- William Fredrick Eadon
- Carapiet Marcar Galstaun
- J.M. Galstaun
- St. John Haik Cachatoor
- Freda Cachatoor
- Catchatoor Johannes Catchatoor
- Catchatoor Johannes Catchatoor
- Caribjan Cachatoor
- John Nicholas Boldy
- Mrs. Ripsima Aviet Arratoon Basil
- Mackertich Pogos Arakiel
- Cyril Nicholas Arratoon
- Nierses Gregory Arratoon
- Sybil Arratoon
- Tonny Arratoon
- Mrs. Catherine Alexina Avdall
- Hovanes Hoveseph Avetoomian
- Solomon John Apcar
- John and Flora Apcar
- Haik John Apcar
- Carapiet Chater Apcar
- Annie Apcar
- David Hyrapiet Andonian
- Mariam Aivaz
- ABRAHAM – Frederick Stephen Abraham
- AGAVELEY – Mariam Canoon Sarouis Satur Agaveley
- AGAVELIIS – Sarkies Satur Agaveliis
- AGHAZAR – Anna Maria Gaspar Aghazar
- AGHAZAR – Ovsanna Gaspar Aghazar
- AMIR – Aviet Amir
- ARATHOON – Hosannah Arathoon Memorial stone at the Luz
- ARATHOON – Barbara Kerakouse Arathoon
- ARATHOON – David Antone Arathoon
- ARATHOON – John S. Arathoon
- ARATHOON – Kerakouse Arathoon
- ARATHOON – Manook S. Arathoon
- ARATHOON – Marie Arathoon
- ARATHOON – Mary S. Arathoon
- ARATHOON – Nancy S. Arathoon
- ARATHOON – Petrus Arathoon
- BABOOM – Michael Joannes Baboom
- AYUB – Mary Jacob Ayub
- BABOOM – Michael Joannes Baboom
- Baboom – Yughaber Baboom
- BABOOM – Michael Joannes Baboom
- BARAMBEG – Nicholas_Barambeg
- BAYNES – Celestine Baynes
- BURGEZ-Anna Maria-Burgez
- Caldar – John Owen Caldar
Yet to be added
- Husick Mathosagha Gharakhanyan or Husick Matusilla Hovesep. In loving memory of Husick Matusilla Hovesep. Born at Julfa Isphahan on the 7th February 1901. Died at the Holy Family Hospital, Mandarin, Ranchi, on the 8 the July, 1952. Շիրիմ հիշատակի Հանգուցեալ Մաթոսաղա Ղարախանյանի։ Ծնած Նոր Ջուղա 7 փետրվարի 1901 Վախճանին 8 հունիսի 1952. To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.
- Joseph Aram Emin Born 5th Nov 1889 Died 29 May 1952 We pray for you always And cherish your name Your memory with us Darling daddy Will always remain
- Martha Hyrapiet Creet Տապան Ջուղայեցի օրիիրդ Մարթա Հայրապետ Կրետյանի։ Ծնեալ 28 Դեկտեմբեր 1877, վախճանվել ի Մուրմու ի 25 Հոկտ 1945: Մերձ 40 տարի Ջուղայի հիվանդանոցում գործեցիր, շատ շատերին դեղեր նշանակեցիր, մաքուր եվ աստվածավախ կյանք վարեցիր, սիրելիներից զատված____ Հանգուցեալ։ Քո տխուր քրոջը վտար թողեցիր։ Մ.Ն.Տ.Ր.Յ, Sacred In loving memory of Miss Martha Hyarpiet Crete. Born at Julfa Isphahan Iran 28th December 1877. Died at Murmu District Ranchi 25 th October,1945. “For 40 long years you worked at a hospital in Julfa. To many a person you gave medicines. You led a clean and God-fearing life. You passed away, far from your loved ones and left your sorrowful sister abandoned. -M.N.T.R.Y To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.
- Thagoohi Z. Creet Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Thagoohe Z. Creet Born in Julfa Ispahan Iran. Died in Jhalda on the 18th June 1948 At the age of 85 years R.I.P. Հիշատակ, հանգուցեալ Տիկին Փագուհի Զ. Կրետեան: Ծնեալ ի Նոր Ջուղա, Իսպահան, Իրան; Վախճանեցավ ի Ջալդա 1948-ին 85 տարեկան հասակում In Memory, Deceased, Mrs Tagoohi Z. Kretean Born in New Julfa, Ispahan, Iran. Died in Jalda in 1948, aged 85 years
- Carapiet Shamir Creet Carapiet Shamir Kretian or Carapiet Shamier Crete Աստ հանգչի Կարապետ Շամիրամ Կրետեան։ Ծնեալ ի Նոր Ջուղա, Սպահան ի 16 Սեպտեմբերի, 1885: Վախճանեցավ ի Ռանչի ի 26 Օգոստոսի, 1947։ Carapiet Shamir Kretian. Born in Isphahan, New Julfa onb16 September, 1885. Died in Ranchi on 26th August, 1947.