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Armenian Lost Treasures in India

Armenian Lost Treasures in India


Whatever Happened to These Lost Treasures?

Have you ever wondered what happened to the contents of the Armenian churches of India as they slowly, and painfully were closed or abandoned? The precious altar pieces, vestments and even the books from their libraries?  Of course it is almost impossible to find out now, but one man, Mesrovb Seth, who spent forty years of his life researching Armenians in India was able to pick up many a small piece of information here and there as he travelled around India gathering material for his books.  I list below the snippets of information Seth discovered on:


  • In March 1903, we picked up in a second-hand book shop in Kalbadevi Road, Bombay, a very rare Armenian book, printed at Amsterdam in 1669.  It had originally belonged to the now ruined Armenian church at Surat, according to a colophon (Hishatakaran) at the end of the book, in the handwriting of the priest in charge of the Surat Church
  • When the Surat Church was finally closed down in 1861 because there were no Armenian community left there, the Wardens of Bombay, had all the sacred books, vessels and vestments of Surat brought to Bombay for preservation there. Amongst these was a manuscript Bible in the Armenian language which was written at Surat in 1658, there was also an old chasuble (shoorjar) belonging to the Surat Church on which the year 1782 was beautifully embroidered in gold thread.


  • In October 1905, we picked up in a second-hand book shop in Madras, some rare Armenian works, the productions of the different Armenian presses which had existed in that old city between the year 1772 and 1812.  Whether they came from  the Church library or from some private collection, we cannot say, as they bore no names of the original owners.
  • Over a 50 year period we have picked up many rare Armenian publications in the second-hand book shops of Calcutta, including amongst others, a copy of Father Jacob Villotte’s “New Latin – Armenian Dictionary” (Dictionarium Novum Latino-Armenium), printed in Rome in 1714, and a copy of the Latin translation of “Moses Chorenensi’s History of Armenia,” (Moses Chorenensis Historiae Armeniaca) by the Whiston Brothers, printed with the Armenian (classical) text and a map of ancient Armenia, in 1736, at London.
  • The Armenian Church at Madras was once well known for possessing a large number of rare and valuable manuscripts and books.  In April 1904 Mesrovb Seth made his first visit to the church in Madras and made the following observation.

    Having arrived on the Saturday, we went to the church service the following day, which was very poorly attended owing to the paucity of Armenians in that city.  We paid our respects to the priest in charge and he received us in the room where the so called Church Library was located.  As a bibliophile, if not a bibliomaniac, we expected to find a large number of rare manuscripts and a complete collection of the works which had been issued from the different Armenian presses at Madras, between the years 1772 and 1812, but we were sorely disappointed when we saw no manuscripts and only a few torn and dilapidated copies of “Hisoos Vordi” (Jesus the Son) which was printed in Rev. Arathoon Shumavon’s press in 1792.

It seems the once beautiful and well stocked library of the church was completely devoid of its past historical content which had never had an inventory done of its unique collection.


  • Around 1907 six baskets containing a large number of Armenian manuscripts, books and pontifical (Kondaka) belonging to the Armenian church at Gwalior, which was erected by Colonel Jacob Petrus, the Brigadier General of Scindias’ Army, were sold as waste paper for six Rupees only, by a descendant of the Colonel who told us about it at Agra in October 1919.

Armenian College, Calcutta

  • At the Armenian College in Calcutta, the Araratian Library, which had been founded on 7th April 1828 had grown significantly by 1843 when it contained over 1000 precious and rare Armenian manuscripts.

    In January 1890, the late Professor Frederick Conybeare, a distinguished Armenist of international reputation, paid a visit to the Academy, accompanied by his accomplished wife, who was a daughter of the world-renowned orientalist, Max Muller.  He wishes to see the college library, expecting to find some rare Armenian manuscripts, as he had found in Armenia, during a tour in 1888.  We happened to be present in the college at that time, and acted as a cicerone, not knowing who the strange visitor, with long hair, was.  We showed him the remnants of the once famous “Araratian Library” and placed in his hands an Armenian work, printed by Jacob Shameer at Madras, in 1772, thinking we were showing him a rate publication, but he said that he had seen it already in the Madras Armenian Church Library.  He then desired to see the manuscripts, and was visibly disappointed on learning that they had disappeared long ago.

    The Araratian Library having ceased to exist with the mysterious disappearance of the numerous books and manuscripts in the Armenian, English, Latin, Greek, French, Dutch, Persian, Chinese and other editions in the church library.  When we looked at the books, we found that most of them were worm-eaten but the older 17th and 18th century ones were in better shape than the newer ones because paper used to be made from cotton rags rather than wood pulp combined with softening chemicals.  These same chemicals accelerate the deterioration of paper.  Amongst the older books are three volumes comprising section of the New Testament in Armenian, dating back to the 17th century.  The newer ones include an almost complete edition of the “Encyclopaedia Britannica” the first volumes of which were published in 1871.”  As far as can be ascertained, the books remain in Dhaka in their unpreserved state and quite probably not much left of them.

The Armenian College library never recovered from the huge loss of these unique and priceless works and near 50 years later in 1937 more unique and priceless works were to go missing, but this time at the hands of the very students they were educating in an act of deliberate vandalism.  An ex student, Hovhannes (John) Sookias recalled the dispicable incident to Fr. Aramais Mirzaian for his book “Armenians: A Pilgrim People in Tierra Australia”.

  • Hovhannes said: Another memorable day, a sad one, was the exit of the great classical Armenian champion and historian, Mr. Mesrope J. Seth, the author of “Armenians in India” when he left the Armenian College in 1937.  His sad parting with the students and the incineration of hundreds of his three part library of English and classical Armenian text books.  The boys looked on helplessly and with youthful grief and astonishment as the precious heaps of classical Armenian literature were consumed by the flames.  Hovhannes was not sure who it was that ordered these books to be burnt, nor whether the books belonged to Mr. Seth personally or to the college library or to the Church.  But they certainly pertained to the nation and were heedlessly and deliberately destroyed.” Hovhannes continued: “Some of us youngsters were emboldened discretely to rescue a few of these books which stood us in very good stead in later years in passing the difficult subject of classical Armenian in our Matriculation Examinations.  It was a tragic holocaust [of literature]; the books had seemed almost human to us.


  • In the library of the Armenian church in Calcutta, used to be a beautiful manuscript copy of a collection of 306 hymn, canticles and melodies composed in ancient Armenian by the Fathers of the Armenian Church from time to time.  From the title page it could be seen that it was compiled by Petrus Amirjan, a chorister, but the date and place of the compilation was not shown.  From the colophon (the symbol or emblem that is printed on a book and represents a publisher or publisher’s imprint) that this copy was made at Saidabad from the original of Petrus Amirjan, by a young Armenian, named Arakiel, the son of Mahtesy Johanness, who laboured for 4 months with great devotion and completed his self-imposed task on the 17th August 1757.

    The colophon indicates that the paper was supplied by Martyrose, the son of Arathoon and the cost of the binding was borne by Petrus, the son of Rev. Nicholas, the pious and zealous warden of the Saidabad Armenian Church.  Further evidence indicated that Carapiet, the son of Mathew, helped the copyist by reading the original, thereby enabling him to revise the copy.  The volume, again according to the colophon, was presented by the scribe, Arakiel Mahtesy Johanness to the Armenian church at Saidabad, on the 3rd August 1759 in memory of all those mentioned above who had participated in its production.

    The manuscript itself was composed of 320 quarto pages, measuring 10” x 7 ½ “.  It was beautifully written, like print, with a reed pen on thick hand-made glazed paper, in jet black Indian ink, with the headings and the first letters of the lines in red ink.  In the 1930’s Mesvrob Seth noted in his book “Armenians in India” that “although written 180 years ago, it is in a very fair state of preservation, despite the damp climate of Bengal”. 

Whatever became of it?


  • A number of items went missing from St Gregory’s in Singapore during the war. They included: the Persian carpets, pews, crystal chandeliers, the priest’s vestments, valuable paintings, the Bible printed in Venice in 1686, hymnbooks from the 1850s, prayer books printed in 1846  in Constantinople and some old  gold and silver vessels


Where did they all end up?

Armenian/Indian Research Publications

Armenian/India Research Publications



Useful Armenian/Indian Research Material

Other Reference Books in my Collection

History of the Armenians in India▲ by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1895. Reprinted 2004 by Gorgias Press My Own Darling
Letters from Montie to Kitty Carlisle

Christopher Carlisle
Armenians in India from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.  A Work of Original Research▲ by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1937. Reprinted 1992 by Asian Educational Services.
Free digital download available from
An Assemblage of Indian Army Soldiers & Uniforms from the original paintings by the late Chater Paul Chater
by Michael Glover
The Republic of Armenia.
A history of the Armenian Republic from its inception and birth in 1918.
by Mesrovb J. Seth.Out of Print This is Hong Kong
The Story of Government House
by Katherine Mattock
Armenians at Agra and Gwalior. *▲
From the days of Akbar in the middle of the 16th century to the Indian Mutiny of 1857, with two full page illustrations.
by Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print Hong Kong Practice
Drs. Anderson & Partners – the first hundred years
by Katherine Mattock
Agah Catchick Arrakiel *▲
A loyal and an eminent Armenian merchant of Calcutta in the second-half of the 18th century, with one full page illustration.
By Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print Partners in Law by Katherine Mattock
Khojah Petrus *
An Armenian merchant-diplomat, the “Armenian Petrus” of Clive.
By Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print Voices from the Past
Hong Kong 1842-1918
by Solomon Bard
Hindoos in Armenia *
150 years before Christ.  An unknown chapter in the history of Ancient India.
By Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print The Royal Navy in Hong Kong since 1841 by Kathleen Harland
Gritch Voskegritch Matenagrin
(The pen of the author with a golden pen) being a biographical sketch of the immortal poet, Mesrovb David Thalidian, written in classical (grabar) Armenian, with a photographic illustration of the poet’s pen and the facsimile of his autograph signature.
Written by Mesrovb J. Seth.

Printed and published by the Mekhitharists of Venice, with a Foreword by the Rev. Father Vardon Hatzuni, the author of the History of Ancient Armenian Costume. Out of Print.

Hong Kong Going and Gone The Royal Asiatic Society, Hong Kong Branch
Madras, The Birthplace of Armenian Journalism▲
A history of the first Armenian Journal, the Azdarar, published monthly at Madras by the Rev. Arathoon Shumavon, in 1794, with four full page illustrations.
By Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print Historic Photographs of Shanghai, Hong Kong & Macao▲ by Dennis George Crow
A Manuscript Koran in Classical Armenian
From the Journal and Proceedings, Asiatic Society of Bengal (New Series) Vo. XIX, 1923, No.7
by Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print Hong Kong Cavalcade by John Luff
Is Classical Armenian Dead? by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1923. Out of Print The Race Goes On…
A Millennium Retrospect of Racing in Hong Kong

by The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Armenians Settlements in India▲ by Anne Basil. 1969. Out of Print Family Business
A History of Grosvenor Chater 1690-1977

by Michael Chater
Iranian Armenians in India▲ By Anne Basil.  Extract from the Iran Society Silver Jubilee Souvenir. Out of Print Baxter’s Guide
Biographical Sources in the India Office Records

by Ian Baxter
Eighteenth Century Armenian Graves▲ by Mesrovb J. Seth. Out of Print The Golden Oriole
Childhood, family and friends in India

by Raleigh Trevelyan
The Society of Mekhithar by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1924. Out of Print. Whampoa
Ships on the Shore
by Austin Coates
Armenians and the East India Company * by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1926. Out of Print.  Hong Kong 100 Years Ago by Hong Kong Museum of History
Gorgin Khan * by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1928. Out of Print. The Indian Mutiny 1857
by Saul David
The Oldest Christian Grave in Calcutta * by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1932. Out of Print. Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Volume 16, 1976

Volume 18 1978

Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong
Armenians at Chandernagore * by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1931. Out of Print. Sir Catchick Paul Chater
A Brief Personal Biography

A Prominent Armenian from Calcutta and the Grand Old Man of Hong Kong

by Liz Chater
The Second Oldest Christian Church in Bengal * by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1936. Out of Print. Chater
Who Was This Man?

By Liz Chater (unpublished private manuscript)
Armenians as Political Stepping-Stones (Khojah Israel Sarhad).*
by Mesrovb J. Seth. 1936. Out of Print. Bizen-Ware▲ by James Orange
The Zamzamah: An Eighteenth Century Gunn Mesrovb. J. Seth Minorities of Isfahan: The Armenian Community of Isfaham 1587-1722. By Vartan Gregorian
A Short Record of Armenian Churches in India and the Far East.▲ by Rev. Aramais Mirzaian. The Central Press, Calcutta, 1958. Out of Print The Chater Collection
Pictures Relating to China, Hongkong, Macao, 1655-1860▲
by James Orange
The Wandering Armenians▲ by Rev. Aramais Mirzaian and Dr. Charles Price. Sydney 1980. Out of Print The Chater Legacy
A Selection of the Chater Collection▲
Hong Kong Museum of Art
Armenians: A Pilgrim People in “Tierra Australia”▲
by Father Aramais Mirzaian. Sydney 1975. Out of Print A Mountain of Light▲ by Austin Coates
Armenians in Australia and New Zealand ▲
by Father Aramais Mirzaian. Sydney 1966. Out of Print China Races by Austin Coates
The New Directory Book of Armenians in Australia By Father Aramais Mirzaian, Sydney, 1976 Out of Print The Life and Times of Sir Kai Ho Kai by G.H. Choa
Sydney Armenian Guide Book▲ Father Aramais Mirzaian 1970. out of print Research and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other Sects. During his travels between the years 1831 and 1834▲
(digital copy available via Google)
Rev. Joseph Wolff
Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy Prospectus▲
by Armenian College & Philanthropic Academy 1957. Out of Print The Taipans
Hong Kong’s Merchant Princes
by Colin N. Crisswell
The Calcutta Review January 1904 Chants and Hymns of the Church of Armenia▲
Undated. Out of Print A History of Hong Kong by Frank Welsh
The Life Story of A.M. Arathoon▲
by H.M. Nadjarian, 1958, Calcutta. Out of Print. In the Web by Peter Hall
Respected Citizens. The History of Armenians in Singapore and Malaysia.
by Nadia Wright. 2003. The Quest of Noel Croucher
Hong Kong’s Quiet Philanthropist▲
by Vaudine England
Armenian College Old Boys’ Union Souvenir. Golden Jubilee 1909-1959▲
by Armenian College Old Boys’ Union, 1965 Calcutta.  Out of Print La Martiniere, Calcutta
The Future is Today
La Martiniere School
Armenians in Southern India▲ by S.M. Gregory. The Asiatic Review. Undated. Out of Print Corridor Collage La Martinere for Girls, Kolkata
Census of the Armenian Population of the City of Calcutta▲
by Johannes Avdall. 1837. Calcutta. Out of Print. La Martiniere, Calcutta 1836-1986▲ La Martinere School
The Complete Monumental Register: Containing All the Epitaphs, Inscriptions in the Different Churches and Burial Grounds in and About Calcutta ▲ by M. Derozario. Digital download available from google. Counting House▲ by Denis Way & Robert Nield
Racing Reminiscences▲ by J.C. Galstaun. 1942. Out of Print.


City of Victoria
A Selection of the Museum’s Historical Photographs▲
Hong Kong Museum of History
The Life and Adventures of Joseph Emin, An Armenian, Written in English by Himself 1726-1809▲ By Joseph Emin. 1792. Printed in London. Out of Print. Re-printed 1918.  Free digital download available from
Old Hongkong Volume two 1901-1945▲ Trea Wiltshire
A Week at the Bandel Covent, Hugi▲
Bengal Past and Present Lugard in Hong Kong. Empires, Education and a Governor at Work 1907-1912 Bernard Mellor
Armenian Merchants of the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries: English East India Company Sources By Vahé Baladouni and Margaret Makepeace Twenthieth Century Impressions of Hong Kong and Shanghai, and Other Treaty Ports of China Arnold Wright
The Family Firm in the Commercial Organisation of the Julfa Armenians By Edmund M. Herzig Passing Shadows, Hong Kong Peter Moss
Venice and the Julfa Armenian Merchants By Edmund M. Herzig The Statues of Statue Square▲ by Liz Chater (unpublished)
A Brief Account of the Advent of the Armenians and their Settlements in Major Cities in India during the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries, Their Churches and Schools, Their Professions and Their Business Affairs▲
By Isia Martin. 1975. Out of Print Hong Kong 1862-1919 Geoffrey Robley Sayer
The Romance of Jute, A Short History of the Calcutta Jute Mill Industry 1855-1909 By D.R. Wallace Revista de Cultura
Macao’s Cultural Minorities
Published by Instituto Cultural do Governo Da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau
Armenia: A Resumé with notes on Seth’s Armenians in India By Shahzad Z. Najmuddin Historical Pictures
Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art

by Hong Kong Museum of Art
International Trade and the Armenian Merchants in the Seventeenth Century By Vahan Baibourtian The Decisive Battles of India
From 1746 to 1849 Inclusive

by Colonel G.B. Malleson
The Armenian Christians in India By E.R. Hamby. Calcutta Remembered.
Rickshaw Ragtime
Jug Suraiya
Madras in the Olden Time Being a History of the Presidency from the First Foundation of Fort St. George. J. Talboys Wheeler Gazetteer of Manipur by Captain E.W. Dun 1886.
History of the City of Madras Rao Shib C.S. Srinivasachari Letters from Afar by Mrs. Worcester Reed Warner
Calcutta Faces and Places in Pre Camera Days Wilmot Corfield, Calcutta Historical Society The British Survey
South East Asia
The British Society of International Understanding.
The Story of Madras Glyn Barlow Letters from a Merry Widow and Two Gentlemen 1906-1914 Christopher Carlisle
The Armenian Inscription of the Central Jail Compound, Agra▲ Rev. H. Hosten Armenians in India and Tibet H.E. Richardson
Some Notes on a letter sent from an Armenian Priest in Bengal to the All Savior’s Monastery at New Julfa in 1727 ▲ Sebouh Aslanian Considerations of India Affairs
(digital copy available via Google)
William Bolts
Trade Diaspora versus Colonial State: Armenian Merchants, the English East India Company, and the High Court of Admiralty in London 1748-1852 ▲ Sebouh Aslanian Diary of Travels and Adventures in Upper India▲
(digital copy available via Google)
C.J.C. Davidson
The Salt in a Merchant’s Letter. The Culture of Julfan Correspondence in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean ▲ Sebouh Aslanian Armenian Churches in India
Past, Present and Looking to the Future▲
Researched by Liz Chater for the Armenian Church in Kolkata (unpublished)
Armenians in Victoria, Australia in the Nineteenth Century By Nadia Wright.  Offprint of Volume 28 of Haigazian Armenological Review. Hong Kong 1983.
A Review of 1982

Hong Kong Government Information Services
New Julfa. The Armenian Churches and other Buildings. by John Carswell Helena May
The Person, The Place and 90 years of History in Hong Kong▲
by Esther Morris with research by The Helena May History Group
Burials and Memorials of the British in Persia▲ By Denis Wright History of Armenia
from BC 2247 to the year of Christ 1780 or 1229 of the Armenian Era▲
(digital copy available via Google)
by Father Michael Carmich. Translated from the original by Johannes Avdall
Burials and Memorials in Persia: Further Notes and Photographs▲ By Sir Denis Wright List of Inscriptions on Christian Tombs and Tablets of historical interest in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
(digital copy available via Google)
By. E.A.H. Blunt
Armenian Graves, Inscriptions and Memorials in India – DACCA By Liz Chater, additional transcriptions: Very Rev. Fr. Krikor Maksoudian Excellency. The Governors of Hong Kong By Russell Spurr
Burials and Memorials in Persia: Further Notes and Photographs – Corrections and Additions▲ By Sir Denis Wright Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography By May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn
Wharf. The First Hundred Years By Robin Hutcheon

Other Reference Books in my Collection

Along The Sports Road. The Hong Kong Football Club, Its Environs and Personalities 1886-2011 By Denis Way
Calcutta in the 17th Century by P. Thankappan Nair The Thistle and The Jade. A Celebration of 175 Years of Jardine Matheson By Maggie Keswick
Vanda Miss Joaquim. Singapore’s National Flower & the Legacy of Agnes & Ridley.▲
by Harold Johnson and Nadia Wright. Graves of Europeans in the Armenian Cemetery at Isfahan By Lieut.Colonel T.W. Haig, C.M.G.
An East India Company Cemetery. Protestant Burials in Macao
by Lindsay and May Ride, edited by Bernard Mellor. Some Persian Drawings in the Johnson Albums of the India Office By J.V.S. Wilkinson
Sir Matthew Nathan
British Colonial Governor and Civil Servant
By Anthony P. Haydon The Armenians and the East India Company in Persia in the Seventeenth and Early eighteenth Centuries. By R.W. Ferrier
Impressions of The East.
The Art of George Chinnery
By Hong Kong Museum of History and Hong Kong Museum of Art The Armenians of Southern India By John Shortt
Armenians of South East Asia By Margaret Sarkissian From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean: The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa. By Sebouh Aslanian



Wills + Inventories

Wills + Inventories

Transcribed by Dr. David Atkinson, to whom I offer my sincere thanks.

List of Armenian (& some other) Names in Bengal Inventories 1780-1861, A-Z
LDS film 2046671, part 8

To view the Bengal Inventories you will have to visit the British Library in London as I do not believe the inventories
have been microfilmed by the LDS.

Bengal Inventories


Year / Part Last Name First Name
1789 Arratoon Petruse
1790 Aviet Catchick Tare
1795 Agamaul Marcar
1795 Aratoon Tallitha
1798 Arratoon Catherine
1798 Aviet Catchick Ter
1799  / 1 Arratoon Heripsimah
1799  / 2 Arratoon Heripsimah
1799  / 2 Arratoon Mariam
1799  / 2 Arratoon Jacob
1799  / 2 Aga Mariamcanum Cach
1800  / 1 Arratoon Herepsimah
1800  / 1 Argoty * Teniza
1803  / 1 Argoty * Lewis
1803  / 1 Arratoon Owen
1803  / 2 Arratoon Owen
1806  / 1 Avietmall Thacohey
1806  / 2 Arratoon Gaspar
1806  / 2 Aveline * G
1806  / 2 Arrakill G
1807  / 1 Agabob M
1807  / 2 Agabob Michael
1807  / 2 Aveline * George
1808  / 1 Aveline * George
1808  / 2 Avack Abraham
1809  / 1 Avack A
1809  / 2 Arrathon N
1810  / 2 Arratoon Nicholas
1811  / 1 Arrakill Gregory
1811  / 2 Arratoon Johannes
1812  / 2 Arratoon Stephanuse
1814  / 3 Avid * Alex’r
1814  / 3 Avietmall Thacoohey
1815  / 1 Aga Avietick Seth
1815  / 2 Aga Avietick Seth
1815  / 2 Avith Robert
1815  / 2 Avid * Alexander
1817  / 3 Abcar Sarkies
1818  / 1 Arratoon M Tague S
1819  / 1 Arratoon Tacquie S
1820  / 1 Arratoon Gregory
1820  / 2 Arackel Carrapiet
1821  / 1 Arackel Carrapiet
1821  / 1 Avack Chatoor
1821  / 2 Arackel Carrapeat
1821  / 3 Avack Chatoor
1823  / 3 Arratoon Taque S
1823  / 3 Arrakel Carrapeat
1825  / 1 Arratoon Hyrapiet
1825  / 2 Athanes * John
1825  / 3 Anna Johannes Sakis
1826  / 1 Arraton Mrs T S
1826  / 4 Avid * Mrs S
1827  / 2 Arratoon Avietick
1827  / 4 Avid * Mrs S H
1828  / 1 Arrathoon Avitick
1828  / 1 Avid * Mrs S H
1830  / 2 Arratoon Arrakel
1830  / 4 Arratoon Arrakel
1833  / 1 Arratoon Manuk David
1833  / 2 Arratoon Arrakil
1833  / 2 Aviet Agabeg
1834  / 4 Arratoon Kaloos
1835  / 4 Arratoon Kaloos
1835  / 4 Astwachater Carrapiet Arrakil
1836  / 1 Avietick Ter Stephanuse
1836  / 3 Avietick Ter Stephanuse
1836  / 3 Arrakil Mrs Carrapiet
1836  / 4 Athanass * John
1836  / 4 Arrakil Mrs B C
1838  / 4 Abbestie * A
1839  / 1 Abbestie * Alexander
1839  / 2 Aveline * George
1839  / 3 Abbestie * Alexander
1839  / 3 Athanass * John
1840  / 1 Abbestie * Alexander
1840  / 1 Astwa C M Manuk
1840  / 2 Anwer * Begum
1840  / 3 Astwa Chater M M
1840  / 4 Athanass * John
1841  / 1 Athanass * M
1841  / 2 Astwa Chater M M
1841  / 3 Astwa Chater M M
1841  / 3 Athanass * John
1841  / 4 Athanass Manuel
1842  / 2 Astwa Chater  M M
1842  / 2 Astwa Chater M M
1843  / 3 Athanass * John
1843  / 4 Aratoon M M
1845  / 1 Arakil M C
1846  / 3 Athanas * M J
1847  / 1 Athanass * M J
1847  / 4 Aviet Ter Gasper
1847  / 4 Aviet Gentloom
1848  / 2 Aviet Ter Gasper
1848  / 3 Athanass * M J
1848  / 4 Apcar Gregory
1849  / 4 Apcar Gregory
1849  / 4 Athanass *  
1850  / 1 Arratoon T
1850  / 2 Athanass * Manuel
1853  / 1 Asphar * Fatholah H
1853  / 3 Aviet Servarshall
1856  / 1 Agabeb Michael
1856  / 3 Anwar * Begum
1859  / 3 Arrakeil J G
1860  / 3 Arrakiel Johannes G
1862  / 1 Arrathoon Johannes H


1799  /  2 Baboom Ter Cavorke
1799  /  2 Bagram Calastan Phanuse
1799  /  2 Baboom Catchick Johannes
1800  /  2 Bagram C Phanuse
1802  /  1 Baboom Ter C
1809  /  1 Babajan Massey, alias Martyrus
1809  /  2 Bagram C P
1812  /  1 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1813  /  1 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1814  /  3 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1815  /  2 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1817  /  1 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1818  /  1 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1819  /  1 Bobjohn Thomas
1820  /  3 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1822  /  1 Bagram Simon P
1822  /  2 Bagram Phanoose
1822  /  2 Bagram Simon P
1823  /  1 Bagram Phanoose
1823  /  3 Bagram Simon P
1824  /  3 Babajohn Massey, alias Martyrus
1824  /  3 Bagram Simon P
1827  /  1 Begoom Catchick A
1827  /  1 Bebee Goalistan, alias Bebee Parks*
1828  /  1 Bebee Goolistan, alias Bebee Parks*
1829  /  1 Bagram Simon P
1832  /  1 Bagram George P
1833  /  2 Bobjohn Mrs E
1834  /  1 Bobjohn Elizabeth
1835  /  3 Bagram Johannes
1836  /  1 Bagram George P
1836  /  1 Bagram Simon P
1836  /  3 Bobjohn Mrs E
1836  /  4 Bebee Golastan*
1840  /  2 Bebee Katee, alias Johannes Katee*
1845  /  2 Bagram Johannes
1848  /  1 Bagram Johannes
1852  /  1 Bagram C G
1852  /  1 Bagoom Baboom
1852  /  2 Bagram C G
1852  /  2 Bagoom Baboom
1857  /  2 Begum Joanna Sombre


1785 Chater Offcianah
1799  /  2 Carapiet Parsig
1807  /  2 Chaytor Wm
1808  /  2 Cojamal Catharine
1816  /  1 Carrapiet Stephen
1817  /  3 Catchick Elizabeth
1818  /  2 Carrapiet Stephen
1821  /  2 Chatoor Carapiet
1821  /  2 Cachatoor Joseph
1822  /  1 Chatoor Carrapiet
1822  /  3 Chater Carapiet
1826  /  1 Carapiet Jacob
1826  /  4 Carrapiet Jacob
1826  /  4 Carrapiet Varvar
1827  /  4 Catchick Philip
1828  /  2 Caloos Arratoon
1828  /  3 C M Manuck  
1831  /  2 Chaytorchurn Senn  
1832  /  4 Catchick Johannes
1833  /  2 Carrapiet Arrakil
1833  /  4 Catchick Johannes
1834  /  1 Catchick Johannes
1835  /  1 Carrapeat Arrakel
1835  /  3 Catchatoor Isaac M
1836  /  3 Catchick Sithagasee
1836  /  4 Carrapiet M Morat
1836  /  4 Carrapiet Arrakil
1838  /  3 Chater P A
1842  /  3 Cachature Galastaun
1844  /  4 Carrapiet A J J T
1845  /  2 Chater Gregory
1846  /  1 Cachature Galastaun
1855  /  3 Catchick A
1857  /  1 Cavorke M C A


1808  /  2 David Solomon E*
1810  /  1 David Solomon E*
1811  /  1 David Solomon E*
1812  /  2 David Solomon E*


1805  /  1 Emniaz Howan
1805  /  1 Emin Moses J
1805  /  2 Emniaz Howan
1805  /  2 Emin Moses J
1806  /  1 Emniaz Howan
1806  /  2 Emniaz Howan
1807  /  1 Emniaz Howan
1808  /  1 Emniaz Howan
1808  /  2 Emniaz Howan
1809  /  2 Emniaz M C
1810  /  1 Emin Joseph
1814  /  2 Ebrahim S M*
1815  /  1 Emin Joseph
1815  /  2 Emin Joseph
1816  /  1 Emin Joseph
1817  /  1 Emin Joseph
1819  /  2 Ephraim Joseph*
1820  /  3 Ephraim Joseph*
1821  /  2 Elias Anthony
1821  /  3 Elias Anthony
1822  /  2 Elias Anthony
1826  /  4 Elias Minas
1828  /  1 Elias Demetrius
1832  /  4 Elias William
1836  /  2 Ellias J D
1836  /  3 Ellias J D
1844  /  1 Ezakil E M
1846  /  4 Emin M J
1847  /  2 Emin Michael J
1847  /  4 Eribsima S Gasper
1855  /  2 Emin M J
1857  /  2 Emin M J
1858  /  1 Emin Mich’l J
1861  /  2 Elias Owen John


1853  /  2 Furdoonjee Sorabjee Parsick
1854  /  1 Furdoonjee Sorabjee Parsick


1787 Gregory Abraham
1788  /  1 Gregory Gazar
1788  /  1 Gregory Abraham
1790 Gregory Cazar
1792 Gregory Thoms
1794 Gregory Seth Aga
1794 Gregory Lazar
1805  /  2 Gregoie Astwa C
1809  /  2 Galoost M
1810  /  1 Galoose Mackertick
1811  /  2 Gregoie Worthanan
1816  /  2 Gregory M K A E*
1816  /  3 Gregory M K A E*
1817  /  3 Gregory Astwa A
1817  /  3 Gregory Rob M K
1818  /  2 Gasper Arratoon
1818  /  3 Gasper Arratoon
1821  /  3 Gasper Arratoon
1825  /  1 Gregory P
1828  /  1 Gavork Manuck
1828  /  2 Gavork Manuk
1829  /  1 Gavork Manick
1829  /  2 Gavork Manuk
1829  /  3 George Dyonysius
1830  /  3 Gregory Thorose
1832  /  1 George Phanoose B
1832  /  1 George Dyonysius
1832  /  1 George David
1832  /  2 Gregory Thorose
1832  /  3 Gavork Manuk
1832  /  4 Galanos Demetrius*
1833  /  4 Gregory George
1834  /  1 Gavork Manuk
1834  /  1 George Phanus B
1834  /  2 Gavork Manuk
1834  /  2 Galanos Demetrius*
1834  /  4 George Phanuse B
1835  /  2 Glomier Johannes S*
1835  /  3 Gavork Manuk
1835  /  4 Gavork Manuk
1836  /  1 Gentloom Aviet
1836  /  3 Gentloom Aviet
1836  /  3 Gregory Anna
1836  /  3 Gregorie Julia
1836  /  4 Gregorie Julia
1836  /  4 Gentloom Aviet
1836  /  4 Golastan Bebee
1837  /  1 Gavork Manuk
1837  /  1 George Phanuse B
1837  /  2 Gregorie Mrs E J
1837  /  3 Gregorie Julia
1837  /  3 Gentloom Aviet
1837  /  3 Gregory Anna
1837  /  4 Gentloom Aviet
1837  /  4 Gregorie Julia
1838  /  1 George Phanuse
1838  /  1 Gregorie Julias
1838  /  3 Gavork Manuk
1838  /  3 Gentloom Aviet
1839  /  1 George P B
1839  /  1 Gavork Manuk
1839  /  1 Gregory Mrs J A
1839  /  2 Gregory T A
1840  /  1 Gregorie Julia
1840  /  1 Gavorke Manuk
1840  /  1 Gregory Mrs T A
1840  /  2 Gregory Mrs T A
1840  /  3 Gregory Mrs T A
1840  /  4 Gavork Manuk
1840  /  4 Gregorie Julia
1841  /  4 Gregorie Julia
1842  /  1 Galistaun C
1842  /  3 Gregory William
1842  /  3 Gregory C: Patriarch
1842  /  3 Gasper Eribsima S
1843  /  2 Gasper Mrs E S
1843  /  2 George Simon
1843  /  4 George Simon
1843  /  4 Gavork Manuk
1844  /  1 Gregorie Mrs M
1844  /  3 Gavork Manuk
1844  /  4 George Simon
1845  /  2 Gregorie M
1845  /  4 George Simon
1847  /  1 Gavork Manuk
1847  /  4 Gentloom Aviet
1847  /  4 Gasper E S
1847  /  4 Gasper Aviet Ter
1856  /  2 Gasper Malcolm
1857  /  1 Gasper Malcolm
1859  /  1 Gregory J
1852  / 2 Gregory Cullen* (& in several later years)


1803  /  2 Howan Stephen T
1806  /  1 Howiet Robert*
1806  /  2 Howan Stephen Ter
1823  /  3 Hyrapit Johannes
1824  /  1 Hyrapiet Johanas
1825  /  1 Hacob Gawork
1825  /  4 Hydrapiet Arratoon
1828  /  1 Hosannah Mirza S S*
1828  /  3 Hosannah Mrs Shakur*
1830  /  3 Howannes Petruse
1831  /  1 Howannes Petruse
1839  /  4 Harapiet Marooth
1840  /  1 Harrapiet Marooth
1840  /  3 Harapiet Marooth
1846  /  1 Harrapiet Marooth
1849  /  1 Howannis Mariam
1850  /  2 Howannes Mariam
1859  /  2 Hazar Elizabeth

I & J

1782 Jacobs Abraham*
1785 Jordan Bathol’w*
1786 Joseph Antony*
1789 Isaac Petruse
1790 Jordan Fred I*
1792 Johannes Gabriel*
1792 Jordan David*
1792 Jordan F P*
1793 Jordan David*
1793 Johanna Betsy*
1794 Joseph Stephen*
1798 Johannes Matthews
1799  /  1 Johannes Arratoon
1799  /  2 Issacully Petruse
1799  /  2 Johannes Padre D Ter
1800 Johannes Abraham
1800 Johannes Norrachee
1800 Johannes Matthews
1802  /  1 Johannes Emniaz
1803  /  1 Johannes A
1805  /  1 Jacob Joseph*
1805  /  2 Johannes Aviate
1806  /  1 Johannes Cavork
1808  /  1 Isaac Marcar
1809  /  1 Isaac Marcar
1810  /  1 Johannes Maria
1810  /  2 Johannes Maria
1813  /  1 Johannes Sarkies
1814  /  2 Johannes Sarkies T
1815  /  1 Johannes Narcis
1815  /  2 Johannes Narcis
1818  /  1 Johannes Thadeus
1820  /  3 Jacob John*
1821  /  1 Jacob John*
1825  /  1 Isabeg Desh Koon Kerahoon
1825  /  4 Jacob Leigh T*
1826  /  1 Jacob Caraput
1826  /  4 Johannes Owenjohn P
1828  /  1 Johanness Harapiet
1829  /  4 Jacob Joseph
1831  /  4 Johannes Hyrapiet
1832  /  2 Johannes Sarkies
1832  /  4 Johannes Catchick
1833  /  3 Johannes Hyrapiet
1833  /  4 Johannes Catchick
1835  /  2 Johannes Stephen H
1835  /  3 Johannes Mrs B
1836  /  1 Johannes Catchick
1842  /  3 Joseph Mrs M*
1843  /  1 Joseph Greg’y Lucas
1843  /  2 Joseph Stephen Jacob*
1844  /  2 Joseph Arratoon
1846  /  2 Johannes M
1846  /  4 Johannes M Manuk
1852  /  1 Jacob Carrapiet
1853  /  4 Jacob Eliz’th C
1858  /  1 Jacob Carrapiet
1859  /  3 Jacob George O*
1860  /  3 John Thomas*


1794 Khedder Karrapiet
1799  /  2 Kyriokas Marrody*
1800 Kyriakos Marrody*
1800 Khan Astwa S M
1800 Kavork Astwachatoor
1806  /  1 Khosroff Persadan*
1811  /  1 Khosropp Parsasan*
1820  /  3 Kavork Gabrielle
1821  /  1 Kavork Gabriel
1825  /  4 Kawork Hacob
1827  /  2 Kawork Hacob
1829  /  2 Kyriack Michael*
1829  /  4 Kyriack Michael*
1840  /  3 Kattee (alias Johannes) Bebee


1792 Lazar Petruse
1797 Lucas Samuel*
1797 Lucas James
1799  /  1 Lucas Cahcatoor Ter
1799  /  2 Lazar Petruse
1799  /  2 Lazar Carapiet
1802  /  1 Lucas Cachatoor T
1806  /  1 Lucas Col’l R* -not Armenian, but Irish
1821  /  3 Lazar Stephanuse
1823  /  2 Lalobeg Sarkies
1826  /  4 Lucas Capt John*
1829  /  2 Larkies (?could be Sarkies) Marian John
1830  /  2 Lucas John*
1830  /  4 Lucas Gregory*
1834  /  1 Lucas J M A*
1835  /  4 Lucas J M A*
1836  /  1 Lucas Gregory*
1836  /  3 Lucas Capt J M A*
1838  /  2 Lucas Jacob Joseph*
1839  /  3 Lucas Capt C A*
1840  /  3 Lazar Agabeg
1840  /  3 Lucas Lieut C A*
1841  /  2 Lucas J G*
1842  /  1 Lucas Gregory*
1846  /  1 Lazar Mrs O H
1860  /  2 Lucas Fitzherbert D*


1781 Maul Arratoon
1781 Meizabeg Arratoon
1786 Martin George*
1788  /  2 Mukertoom Barsick
1789 Mouch* H P*
1789 Mackhitter Jacob*
1789 Martin William*
1790 Martin Williams*
1791 Manassey Dionisius*
1792 Michael Johannes
1799  /  2 Minas Terasso Steph.
1799  /  2 Malache Michael*
1799  /  2 Manasakan Sarkies
1799  /  2 Michael Ter And’w
1799  /  2 Melcome Moralian
1800 Michael Maluch
1804  / Merejohn Marcar
1806  /  2 Manachacan Sarkis
1807  /  2 Martin R*
1807  /  2 Martin Thomas*
1808  /  1 Martin Thomas*
1808  /  2 Martin John*
1809  /  1 Martyrus Babajan, alias Massey
1810  /  1 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1812  /  1 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1813  /  1 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1813  /  2 Mellickneaz Mackertich
1814  /  3 Martin Thomas*
1814  /  3 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1814  /  3 Martin J L*
1815  /  2 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1815  /  2 Martin John Lewis*
1816  /  1 Martin George*
1817  /  1 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1818  /  1 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1819  /  1 Mirza Stephen*
1820  /  2 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1820  /  3 Manasser Zacariah*
1821  /  1 Morateau A C
1821  /  2 Morateau Carrapiet
1821  /  2 Mariam Mrs
1821  /  3 Morateau Carrapiet
1822  /  2 Monack A*
1822  /  3 Martyrose Aviet
1822  /  4 Minas Ter Aviet T
1823  /  2 Moratcawn Chater M
1823  /  3 Morat (or Moran) C M
1824  /  2 Mellicknauz Mackertich
1824  /  3 Martyrus Babajohn, alias Massey
1824  /  3 Morat Carrapiet M
1824  /  4 Minor G*
1826  /  1 Michael Mathew*
1826  /  3 Malcum Manuk
1826  /  4 Minas Ellias
1827  /  1 Marcar Melleck Seth
1827  /  2 Malcom Manuck
1828  /  1 Marcar Mulleck Seth
1828  /  2 Manatsaker Vardan
1828  /  2 Malcom Manak
1828  /  4 Marianjohn Sarkees
1828  /  4 Manatsaker Varden
1829  /  2 Mariam Khanum T*
1829  /  2 Mariam John Sarkies
1830  /  1 Manual Petruse
1830  /  1 Manual Marcellina
1831  /  1 Manual Petroose
1831  /  2 Malcom Manook
1831  /  4 Merjaun Stephen C*
1832  /  2 Malcom Manuk
1832  /  2 Margaretous Revd P*
1833  /  1 Manuel Petrus
1833  /  3 Mirza Jaffer*
1834  /  1 Maus Ove*
1834  /  1 Malcolm Manook
1834  /  4 Manuel Petruse
1835  /  1 Malcoom Manuk
1835  /  1 Mirza Jaffer*
1835  /  2 Manuel Petruse
1835  /  4 Moratcaun Chater M
1836  /  1 Malcum Manuk
1838  /  3 Moradcan Mrs C C
1840  /  4 Malcom A C M*
1841  /  3 Malcom Asst Surg F*
1841  /  4 Mercatoon Jacob Joseph
1842  /  1 Malcolm Asst Surg F*
1842  /  4 Manuk A C M
1843  /  2 Mackertoom Carapiet
1843  /  3 Malchus M J*
1844  /  1 Mariam Mrs G
1844  /  2 Mullickneaz A M
1844  /  3 Minns Aviet
1845  /  4 Malchus J M
1845  /  4 Manuch J M
1846  /  1 Mirza Butchoo*
1846  /  2 Minas Johannes
1846  /  4 Malcolm Capt R*
1846  /  4 Manuk J M
1847  /  2 Michael Z Shircore
1848  /  3 Manuk Zorab
1849  /  1 Malchus H C J*
1849  /  4 Michael George
1850  /  1 Malchus H C J
1850  /  4 Millickseth Alex’r*
1853  /  1 Malcus Petrus J
1853  /  3 Mallock Roger J*
1853  /  3 Malcolm Pulteney
1853  /  3 Malcolm William*
1854  /  2 Mallock Roger J*
1854  /  2 Malcolm Pulteney
1854  /  2 Malcolm William*
1854  /  3 Michael Martirose
1855  /  1 Michael Aram
1855  /  2 Michael Aram
1857  /  1 Misrie Khanum*
1857  /  2 Michael Ann*
1857  /  4 Misrie Khanum*
1858  /  1 Marsack Sarah*
1858  /  2 Michael Ann*
1859  /  3 Marcus John P*
1859  /  4 Marsack Sarah*
1860  /  1 Marcus John P*
1860  /  2 Michael Mary A*
1860  /  3 Michael Mary A*
1860  /  4 Marsack Sarah*
1861  /  3 Minas Pogose


1795 Nazar Anna M
1805  /  2 Nahapiet Thomas
1816  /  1 Neauz Arratoon
1816  /  2 Neauz Arratoon
1825  /  3 Nazareth Jacob
1847  /  1 Narcies Hosannah


1787 Owenjohn Cachatoor
1788  /  1 Owenjohn Cachatoor
1791 Owenjohn Marad
1819  /  1 Owen Jacob*
1819  /  2 Owen Jacob*
1820  /  2 Owen Will’m*
1821  /  1 Owen Thomas*
1821  /  3 Owen M*
1821  /  3 Owen Thomas*
1822  /  3 Owen Michael*
1823  /  2 Owen Maurice*


1787 Petruse Mirza
1788  /  1 Pogose Phanoose
1789 Pogose Lucas
1791 Phanuse Pagose
1792 Pogose Padre L
1797 Papooks A Gregory*
1798 Petruse Ovenjohn
1799  /  2 Papook G A C G*
1800 Pagose Padre Lucas
1802  /  1 Phanose Johannis
1809  /  2 Pogose Abraham
1809  /  2 Petruse G
1811  /  1 Petruse George
1814  /  3 Phannose Vartenney
1815  /  1 Peters George*
1819  /  1 Plusker Johannes*
1820  /  3 Petruse Jacob
1821  /  2 Paul Jacob*
1826  /  4 Petruse J Owenjohn
1831  /  3 Peters J H*
1832  /  1 Petruse Manuel
1836  /  4 Petruse Jacob
1839  /  3 Petruse Astwa Chater
1840  /  3 Pogose Minos
1841  /  2 Paliologus N*
1841  /  3 Peters James*
1841  /  4 Peters Mrs E*
1846  /  4 Panioty Mrs C A*
1847  /  2 Panioty C A*
1849  /  4 Petruse T M
1850  /  2 Petruse T M
1853  /  2 Peters Charles*
1853  /  3 Peters Thomas*
1853  /  4 Peters Caetano E*
1854  /  4 Peters Caetano E*
1854  /  4 Peters Thomas*
1859  /  1 Pittoon Thakooe
1860  /  4 Peters Charles*
1864  /  4 Peter C W
1865  /  1 Peter C W
1872  /  2 Peters Mrs C*
1872  /  3 Peters Mrs C*
1882  /  1 Peters Herbert*
1908  /  1 Peter James*




1849  /  1 Rostan Vertinee
1849  /  3 Rostan Vartanee


1784 Sheriman Taqui
1788  /  1 Sharriman Tacqui
1789 Saffor Alexander*
1790 Sybrants Tokke*
1793 Sherriman Tacqui
1795 Sherriman Taqui
1796 Sarkis Aga M
1797 Sukeas Peter
1799 Simon Kevork Ter
1799 Stephen Aga P
1800 Saffor Mellichsett*
1801  /  1 Surkis Marianne
1801  /  2 Sarkis Maria
1803  /  1 Sakes J
1803  /  2 Sakes J
1804 Sookey Bibbee*
1804 Seth Petrus
1805  /  1 Sookey Bibbee, alias Allah Bibbee*
1805  /  2 Seth Petrus
1807  /  1 Sukeas Carrapiet
1807  /  1 Seth P
1807  /  2 Seth Petruse
1807  /  2 Sookee Beebee, alias Allah Bibbee*
1809  /  2 Sookee Beebee, alias Altah Beebee*
1810  /  2 Sarkies Arratoon
1811  /  1 Sarkies Arratoon
1811  /  2 Sukeas Carrapiet
1812  /  1 Sukeas Carrapiet
1813  /  2 Sukeas John
1814  /  3 Sukeas John
1815  /  1 Sethaga Avietick
1815  /  2 Sethaga Avietick
1816  /  2 Shirac Petruse M
1816  /  3 Sukeas John
1818  /  1 Sarkies Johannes
1818  /  3 Shawfraze Agamall
1819  /  1 Sarkies Vartannes
1819  /  3 Sukeas Anne J
1821  /  3 Seth Petruse
1822  /  2 Sarkies Johannes
1823  /  3 Sarkies Johannies
1824  /  4 Sarkies Zacharias
1828  /  2 Sukeas John
1828  /  3 Shakur Hannah*
1828  /  4 Sarkies Mrs M
1829  /  2 Simon Phanuse B
1832  /  3 Stephen C*
1832  /  4 Simon Phanuse Bagram
1834  /  1 Simon Phanuse B
1834  /  4 Simon Phanuse Bagram
1835  /  2 Sophia Simon Phanoos Bagram
1836  /  1 Simon Phanoose Bagram
1838  /  3 Sarkies Owen
1839  /  1 Sarkies Owen
1839  /  1 Sukeas Cath P
1839  /  4 Sukeas Cath’e P
1840  /  2 Sarkies Owen
1840  /  2 Stephen Rev’d T J*
1840  /  4 Sukeas Cath’e Peter
1841  /  3 Stephen Rev’d T J
1842  /  2 Sarkies Owen
1845  /  3 Sukeas C P
1849  /  2 Suppus C*
1851  /  2 Sukeas C P
1851  /  3 Sirrarth Minas Aviet
1852  /  1 Sukeas C P
1858  /  4 Sarkies M J
1859  /  1 Sarkies Elizabeth
1859  /  4 Sarkies M J
1860  /  3 Steven W S*


1790 Thomas Carrapiet
1795 Tartarios alias Thathia Johanne*
1796 Thomas Carrapiet
1803  /  1 Thatiose Johannes T
1803  /  2 Terrarvan Staphanuse
1808  /  2 Tomajohn MA*
1823  /  3 Taque Stephen A
1827  /  1 Teakram Michael*
1827  /  3 Ter Kaloose Arratoon
1832  /  2 Thorose Gregory
1833  /  3 Ter Rev J S
1834  /  3 Ter Rev J S
1835  /  2 Ter The Rev’d J S
1835  /  3 Thorose Gregory
1841  /  1 ThaKoohy Aviet
1844  /  4 Thadias Capt M*
1845  /  3 Ter Rev’d D M
1846  /  1 Thadias Capt M*
1860  /  1 Thorose Joseph

U, V

1798 Uscan Zer Nicholas
1804 Vanas William*
1826  /  1 Varvar Carrapiet
1837  /  3 Varden M V*
1838  /  2 Vardon M V*


1812  /  1 Warthan Johannes
1829  /  1 Weskin Callastan
1831  /  2 Weskin Callastan

X, Y, Z

1792 Zakareah P H P
1808 Zakarra Arratoon
1810 Zakarra Arratoon
1813  /  2 Zakarra Arratoon
1817  /  3 Zakarra Arratoon
1818  /  2 Zakarra Arratoon
1819  /  2 Zachariah Arratoon
1824  / Zachariah Sarkies
1825  /  2 Zachariah Sarkies
1853  /  1 Zorab Manook
1853  /  2 Zaida Sarah*
1854  /  3 Zaida Sarah*





Armenian Census of Calcutta 1846

Armenian Census of Calcutta 1846

The list of Armenians below is taken from “Azgaser” for 18th April 1846, No. 36, Pages 126-128.  This magazine was published in Calcutta in Armenian.  The list includes the Armenians who had been residing in Calcutta for over 11 years.  Figures against the names show the number of family members.  Unfortunately only the heads of the families are listed, so there are no women here.

This translation was made by Dr. Ruben Khachaturyan to whom I extend my sincere thanks.

Names Number of people in the household Names Number of people in the household
Ter Hovhannes Khachikean, Senior Priest Karapet Hakob (Jacob) 3
Ter Barsegh Galstanean Priest David Hovhannes 4
Ter Martyros Ter Hovakimean Movses S. Shmavon 1
Agha Hovanyan Eliaz 4 Jacob J. Petros 2
Grigor A. Grigor (Gregory) 1 P.K. Astwatzatoor 2
P.B. Sargseants (Sarkies 4 K.P.K. Astwatsatoor 3
B.k. Sargseants (Sarkies 1 Arathoon M. Vardan 2
K.B.K. Sargseants (Sarkies) 1 Stephanos M. Varden 3
Arutin (Arratoon) Abgar (Apcar) 2 Vahan M. Vardan 2
Grigor Abgar 5 M.S.M. Vardan 1
A.B. Abgar 6 Stephanos H. Aviet 2
S.B. Abgar 2 Arakel H. Aviet 5
T.B. Abgar 1 Khachatur Hovhan (Chater Owen) 7
Alex Abgar 2 Hovhannes Kh. Hovan 1
B.G. Abgar 1 Petros H Poghos (Peter H. Paul) 5
G. Ts. Abgar 3 K.P.H. Poghos (Paul) 1
Mkrtich Sarkies Owen (Hovan) Hovsep (Joseph) Kamal (Cammell) 10
Martyrose Sakies Owen  (Hovan) 5 Voskan Toros 6
Hovsep (Joseph) A. Aghabeg 7 Petros (Peter) Minas 2
Hovhannes (John) A. Aghabeg 1 Hovhannes Minas 1
Karapiet A. Aghabeg 1 Gaspar Minas 1
Mkrtich A. Aghabeg 1 David Barsegh (David Basil) 3
Kyrakos A. Aghabeg 1 Aviet Ter Gaspar 1
Malkhas A. Aghabeg 1 Baghdasar A. Ter Gaspar 1
Pogose (Paul) A. Aghabeg 1 Melckum Gaspar 2
Arakel Gh. Aghabeg 1 Gaspar M. Gaspar 6
Avetis (Aviet) Gh. Aghabeg 1 P.M. Gasper 1
Hntbum Gh. Aghabeg 1 Arrathoon M. Gaspar 1
Andreas Galstanean 1 Margar (Marcar) M. Gaspar 1
A. Galstanean 4 Nickoghayos M. Gaspar 1
H. Galstean 1 Ts. Gaspar 1
Thaddeos Kh. Avetum 10 Petros Antonean (Peter Anthony) 2
Nerses E. Manook 1 Hovsep (Joseph) Khan 2
Seth B. Manook 1 Martyros 1
Emin B. Emin 1 Poghos (Paul ) Viguen 1
Michael Emin 4 Mnatsaken Ter Baghdasar 4
Hovsep (Joseph) E. Emin 1 M.T. Baghdasar 1
Manook Zurabean 4 M.T. Baghdasar 1
Minas Nerses 1 A. Ter Astwatzatoor 4
Hovhannes Avdal 10 Karapet H. Vrtanes 7
Avdal Junior 1 Martyros H. Vrtanes 2
K.T. Shafraz 1 A. Ts. V.H. Vrtanes 1
Aram Michael 3 H.K.H. Vrtanes 1
Gevorg Michael 2 Asatoor Vrtanes 1
H.A. Michkael 1 Karapet G. Seth 3
M.H. Michael 1 Khachik G. Seth 4
Hovhan (Owen) Movses (Moses) 9 Galstan Voskan 1
Moves 1 Zorab M. manook 5
Hovhannes Khachik Michael 1 G.G. Grigor (Gregory) 1
Manook Toros 3 H.G. Grigor 1
M. Toros 1 Gh. G. Grigor 1
Phylipos A. Gevorg 4 Minas Hovakim 1
Kh. A. Georg 1 E.H. Ephrem 2
G. Baghram 5 H.H. Ephrem 1
B.G. Baghram 5 Mayil 5
H.G. Baghram 1 Hovhannes Abraham 2
Mkrtich G. Bagram 1 Arathoon Abraham 1
Stephanos G. Baghram 1 Aviet Tzatoor 4
Karapiet G. Baghram 1 Aghanoor Hovhannes Aghanoor 3
A.P. Astwatzatoor 8 Margar Grigory 2
H.S. Jordanan (Jordan) 1 Karapet Tz. Aratoon 3
Esayee Georg 3 S.K. Tz. Arathoon 3
G. Esayee Georg 1 H.K. Tz. Aratoon 1
H. Esayee Georg 1 K.A. Tz. Aratoon 1
Nikoghayos S. Malkhas 4 K. Tz. Aratoon 1
S.N Malkhas 1 Gh. Tz. ARatoon 7
Petros (Peter) S. Malkhas 1 S. Gh. Ts.  Aratoon 1
Jntlum Kh. Malkhas 3 Nickoghayos Aviet 5
Malkhas Kh. Malkhas 1 S. Sahak Sehran 1
Hovhannes Kh. Malkhas 1 Hovsep (Joseph) Kostand 1
Hovhannes J. Shirkhor 3 Hovhannes Aarkies Salmastetsi 2
R.J. Shirkhor 6 Melkum Sarkies 1
H.R. Shirkhor 1 Lucas Khojamal 1
M.R.H. Shrkhor 1 Karapiet Lucas Khojamal 1
Karapiet M.H. Shirkhor 3 Mkrtich Lucas Khojamal 1
Khachick M.H. Shirkhor 1 Marytros Michael 1
Sarkies M.H. Shirkhor 1 M.M. Michael 1
Jan G.H. Shrkhor 1 R.M. Michael 1
Georg M. Shirkhor 3 Hovsep Stephan 1
Arrathoon M. Shirkhor 2 M. Manook 1
Vordanan P. Vordanan (Jordan P. Jordan) 2 Martyros Phylipos 1
Vardan P. Vordanan 2 Mkrtich Khachik Hovakim 3
G.P. Vordanan 1 Stephen G. Lucas 6
Nikoghos P. Vordanan 1 Lucas G. Lucas 1
Arrathoon P. Vordanan 1


Armenian Church Calcutta – Inventory

The Properties and Complete Inventory As at 1924

Of the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth

Armenian Church of St. Gregory, Karya
(now known as ‘The Small Church, Park Circus’) Calcutta

Armenian Holy Church of the Resurrection Tangra, Calcutta

Armenian St. John’s Church Chinsurah


Compiled by A.P. Arakiel
1st April 1924


Additional biographical footnotes and annotations

added by Liz Chater


Holy Church of Nazareth, Calcutta




Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Gold swinging incense burner In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. George 1856
2 1 Gold cross set with diamonds and 4 glass boxes containing relics
3 1 Chased gold chalice, set with diamonds, emeralds, rubies and other stones, with a plain paten In memory of Agha Petros[i], son of Arathoon 1778


4 1 Gold clasp for waist-band, a double-headed eagle surmounted by cross and crown set with emeralds, rubies and diamonds Bought from Church funds
5 1 Small gold cross with nut and screw at base for fixing on tip of mitre, set with diamonds and rubies Bought from Church funds
6 1 Copy of New Testament with gold covers Marked I.M.Z[1].
7 1 Gold frame containing a picture of Virgin Mary with silver engraved back and edge In memory of Pogose and Zemrooth, children of Sahak and Mariamkhanoom, wife of Hovannes
8 1 Small gold goblet plan
9 1 Small gold box set with diamonds for carrying Holy Sacrament In memory of George Stephen Bagram[2]
10 1 Antique gold box inlaid with carved mother-of-pearl, ivory, coral etc. Presented by Eliza A. Moses and his wife Mary[3] 1894
11 1 Gold lamp frame with star at top lined with copper and attached by 3 chains In memory of Mr. Phillip A. George 1872
12 473 Small gold crosses for vows
13 1 Gold cased decanter with stopper In memory of Ethel[4], youngest daughter of Carapiet and Mary M. Arathoon 1903
14 1 Gold bowl, plain In memory of Mrs. Anna Catchick Avetoom, from her loving daughters Anna and Elizabeth[5] 1905
15 1 Gold cross, small size J.M. Zorab[6]  
16 1 Gold cross, small size By Thomas A. Apcar 1870
17 1 Gold cross, medium size By Thomas A. Apcar 1857


18 1 Gold cross, medium size In memory of Catchik Thaddeus Avetoom[7], by Catchick Johannes and Elizabeth Avetoom, his children 1911
19 1 Gold cross, medium size In memory of Zorab Malcolm Manukian 1847
20 1 Gold cross, plain and small By Mrs. M.V. Apcar[ii] 1923
21 1 Very large size New Testament, bound in red velvet with a large gold plain cross Presented by Mr. John Gregory 1905


22 1 Gold cross set with 4 rubies and one emerald Presented by Arratoon Palian 1923
23 1 Gold cross set with 1 stone and with a long chain
24 1 Small gold cross set with 5 stones
25 1 Lot of broken crosses and 4 pieces gold, crescent shaped
26 1 Handle of a cross, gold
27 1 Gold ring set with 1 stone
28 1 Gold ring set with 1 stone
29 1 Gold monogram ring
30 1 Gold ring set with 1 stone
31 1 Gold ring set with 2 stones
32 1 Gold ring set with 1 stone
33 1 Gold ring set with rubies
34 1 Gold ring set with pearl
35 1 Gold ring set with diamonds and 1 large emerald
36 1 Gold ring set with 1 set
37 1 Gold ring set with 3 stones
38 1 Gold ring, plain
39 2 Gold rings, plain
40 1 Gold ring set with 1 stone
41 2 Small gold crosses set with stones



Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Silver gilt cross with diamond cut border set with rough sapphires and rubies In memory of Shamir Hovsepich Melik Beglarovian[8] 1883
2 1 Silver gilt box with chased sides and engraved lid for holding the Holy Sacrament Marked E.A.
3 1 Small silver gilt cup containing Holy Oil In memory of Shushan Joseph Ter Chater 1800
4 3 Large silver candlesticks with shaped triangular feet
5 12 Small candlesticks to match above
6 12 Silver candlesticks with plain beaded stem and feet
7 2 Silver candlesticks with bases and chased leaves on stem In memory of Miss E.A. Demetrius
8 4 Silver candlesticks with chased fluted based and shaped stem Mrs. M. Emin 1858
9 4 Silver candlesticks By M.T. 1907
10 2 Silver chased splendours with plain silver stands
11 4 Silver chased splendours without stands
12 1 Solid silver gilt salver with 8 miniature goblets
13 2 Solid silver diamond cut bowls
14 1 Solid silver engraved bowl In memory of Miss E.A. Demetrius 1884
15 1 Plain solid silver wash hand bowl with a solid silver ewer chased cutch pattern
16 1 Plain solid silver wash hand bowl with solid silver ewer chased cutch pattern as above but smaller
17 2 Solid silver incense burners, plain
18 3 Solid chased silver swinging incense burners with chains
19 2 Diamond cut solid silver sockets for large candles In memory of Aga Joseph Eminiii
20 1 Silver gilt chased incense holder with silver spoon In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. George 1856
21 2 Silver chased incense holders
22 2 Solid silver hanging lamps with covers and chains
23 1 Solid silver chased frame and cover for holding lamp
24 1 Silver gilt flagon with stopper complete Mrs. Mary Eliza Moses3 above 1878
25 2 Solid silver book rests in the shape of a Lyre In memory of Hosannah Jacob Johannes 1837
26 1 Silver chalice with paten In memory of Mary and Shamir8, the wife and son of Joseph David Melik Beglarovian
27 1 Silver Chalice with paten In memory of John Joseph Mylne, born 1884 and drowned in river Pudda 1900 1900
28 1 Silver Chalice with paten By Catherine G. Bagram
29 1 Silver Chalice with paten
30 1 Silver Chalice with paten In memory of Hovanness, son of Arathoon of Khorom 1750
31 1 Silver cross with chased figures on each side, set with a cross of thick glass containing relics of St. George Presented by Johannes Agha Minas 1863
32 1 Large silver casket chased and engraved on top and sides In memory of Mariamkhanoom, daughter of Juntloomentz Catchick Arakiel, for St. “Nicholas” Arm
33 1 Large silver bowl for washing of the feet Bought by the church 1870
34 1 Large solid silver Baptismal bowl with massive silver scroll, handle forming  3 branches for candles In memory of Sogom[9], daughter of Nicholas S. Malchas, born 1837, died 1851 1851
35 1 Solid silver gilt Monstrance, chased in high relief with flowers In memory of Carapiet, son of Petros 1813
36 5 Large silver crosses with ball at bases
37 1 Very large silver cross with ball and socket at bottom with chased figures lined with wood
38 1 Silver gilt chased mitre with Vakas In memory of Isagooli, son of Petros of Hamadan 1797
39 1 Solid silver Belt clasp By Ripsimeh T.A. Apcar[10] 1857
40 1 Solid silver Belt clasp In memory of Elizabeth Abraham, daughter-in-law of Aga Hovanness, the son of Khoja Minas
41 1 Solid silver Belt clasp By J.S.G.
42 1 Solid silver Belt clasp
43 1 Solid silver Belt clasp In memory of Emin Joseph[iii] 1809
44 1 Mother-of-pearl antique seal Of Chater George Ter Simon 1766
45 1 Mother-of-pearl antique seal Of George Chater George 1793
46 1 Mother-o’-pearl antique seal Of Chater George 1765
47 4 Silver pencil cases
48 2 Silver collection bags lined with blue velvet with silver handles In memory of Mrs. Gabriel George, 1820.  Repaired by her grandson P.A. George, 1870 1820
49 1 Large silver stand for Holy Bible with 3 crosses chased on it In memory of Mr. Arathoon 1817. Repaired at the expense of the Church by A. Stephen & Co., 1902. 1817
50 2 Silver octagon lanterns with twisted fluted poles and pierced cross in circle at top By J.S.
51 1 Silver Old and New Testaments bookstand In memory of Carapiet Jacob Johanness 1818
52 1 Silver stand for the above (item 51) In memory of Carapiet Jacob Johanness 1818
53 1 Silver mounted New Testament on above bookstand In memory of Hosannah David, died at Mussoorie 1898 1898
54 1 Oil painting of the crucifixion on wood with silver edges
55 1 Old small crucifix, copper, silver plated and gilt
56 2 Large silver chased branches with sockets for candles for reading desk In memory of Khatoon, the daughter of Agazar korose, by her husband Abraham Pogose 1798
57 2 Medium size silver chased branches for candles at reading desk In memory of Simon, by his father Stephen Simon Stephen[11] 1870
58 2 Small size silver branches for candles at reading desk In memory of Hosannah Mirza Stephen Shakoori 1817
59 1 Large massive solid silver chandelier with 18 branches for candles In memory of Khatoon, the daughter of Agazar Koros, by her husband Abraham Pogose 1798
60 1 Small silver chandelier with 6 branches for candles In memory of Talethy, the wife of Arathoon 1781
61 1 Small silver chandelier with 6 branches for candles Presented to the church 1800
62 2 Small silver chandelier with 6 branches for candles In memory of Mariam, the wife of Martyrose 1782
63 1 Small silver chandelier with 6 branches for candles In memory of Bagram, the son of Sookias 1785
64 1 Small silver chandelier with 6 branches for candles In memory of Merini and her two sons Baboom and Bartholomew, the wife and children of Chater Baboom 1810
65 2 1 mitre and 1 vakas silver parcel, gilt on red velvet and chased with panels Made at Constantinople at the expense of the Church
66 1 Large, oval, handsome silver salver with elaborate chased trellised vine leaf border and cherub heads Presented to A.C. John by the community of the Calcutta Greek Church, 1874, presented by his widow[12] to the Armenian Church. (Image via Armenian College Museum Facebook page) 1891
67 1 Silver cover for Holy Bible, bound in red leather
68 1 Silver Bible cover, large
69 1 Silver Bible cover, small Presented by Mrs. Lizzie Thaddeus[13]
70 1 Silver Bible cover, small Presented by Anna M. Manuk 1901
71 1 Silver Bible cover, small
72 1 Silver Bible cover, small
73 1 Silver cover for Holy Bible bound in red velvet (old and damaged)
74 2 Large solid silver salvers, plain
75 1 Large solid silver salver, plain In memory of Gregory Thorose[14] 1917
76 1 Large solid silver salvers, plain In memory of Marieh, wife of Hovannes Ter Aviet 1804
77 2 Medium size solid silver salvers
78 1 Silver cross Presented by Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Apcarii 1912
79 1 Silver gilt cross Presented by Mr. M.A. Manuk 1923
80 1 Silver gilt cross Presented by Mrs. M. Gregory, to the memory of her mother Anna Apcar[15], born 1851, died 1913 1913
81 1 Silver cross In memory of Col. Jacob Petros of Gwalior and his wife 1840
82 1 Silver cross In memory of Col. Jacob Petros of Gwalior[iv] [16] 1837
83 2 Silver crosses engraved
84 2 Silver crosses small
85 2 Silver gilt crosses set with stones
86 2 Silver crosses, small
87 1 Silver cross, plain
88 1 Silver square salver In memory of Joseph Eminiii
89 1 Silver mitre cross In memory of Mariamkhanoom Chater
90 2 Small silver candlesticks Presented by Mrs. S.A. Lucas 1915
91 2 Silver candlesticks, plain
92 1 Silver candlesticks, engraved
93 2 Silver candlesticks, very small
94 1 Silver box containing 1 silver goblet, 2 candlesticks, 1 bottle for carrying Holy Sacrament Presented by Eliza A. Moses and his wife Mary3 1894
95 1 Large silver ewer In memory of all those who are buried in the church 1895
96 1 Small silver bowl Presented by Mrs. Begoom Johannes in memory of her husband 1825


97 1 Silver and gilt saint’s arm containing relics of Virgin Ripsimeh Presented by Mrs. Begoom Johannes in memory of her husband 1825
98 1 Silver and gilt saint’s arm containing relics of St. John Presented by Basil, S.A. Catchick
99 1 Silver and gilt saint’s arm containing relicts of St. Stephen and St. Nicholas Made by son of Basil
100 1 Silver and gilt Saint’s arm containing relics of St. Gregory
101 1 Silver saints’ arm containing relics
102 1 Silver saints’ arm containing relics


1 Silver saints’ arm containing relics
104 1 Silver saints’ arm containing relics
105 1 Silver saints’ arm containing relics
106 1 Silver goblet Presented by C.M. Shircore  
107 1 Large brass lectern with cross on top Presented by Mr. Ruben A. Creet in memory of his father Arratoon Hyrapiet Creet[17] 1924
108 1 Solid silver plate chased and engraved on above Lectern Presented by Mrs. Mary Arratoon Hyrapiet Creet in memory of her husband16 1919
109 1 Small silver box, gilt By Aveit Ter Thaddeus 1851
110 1 Crosier in 4 pieces, top piece set with stones Belonging to His Grace Sahak Ayvadian, Prelate of Persia and India 1922
111 4 Silver crosses, plain
112 4 Silver mitre crosses
113 2 Silver flower vases In memory of Mrs. Anna C. Avetoom, from her daughter Elizabeth 1911
114 2 Silver flower vases Presented by Mr. David M. Jacob[18] 1918
115 1 Silver plated bowl Presented by Annie Eliazar Nahapiet
116 6 Silver flower vases
117 2


Silver flower vases
118 2 Silver flower vases
119 1 Silver flower vase
120 6 Silver flower vases
121 2 Silver flower vases
122 2 Silver flower vases
123 2 Silver flower vases
124 2 Silver flower vases
125 1 Silver flower vase
126 1 Silver flower vase
127 2 Silver flower vases
128 2 Silver flower vases
129 2 Silver flower vases
130 6 Silver flower vases different shapes
131 1 Pair belt clasps, silver Presented by Martyrose and Catherine Arathoon 1894
132 115 Silver crosses for vows
133 6 Silver goblets, gilt
134 6 Pairs buckles (4 silver, 2 brass)
135 1 Silver belt clasp, single
136 1 Silver cross set with stones and a glass case containing relics
137 1 Silver cross set with stones and containing relics
138 1 Silver cross set with glass case with relics
139 1 Silver cross set with stones and glass case containing relics
140 1 Silver cross set with rubies and containing relics
141 1 Silver cross set broken and containing relics
142 1 Silver and gilt cross with 4 glass cases and another small cross with chain set with stones and containing relics Presented by Ter Stepannos, son of Alexander
143 1 Silver box for carrying Holy Sacrament Marked Armenian Church, Calcutta
144 1 Silver and gilt box for carrying Holy Sacrament
145 1 Small silver box for Communion
146 1 Small silver bowl, gilt inside
147 1 Silver cross set with white stones, made in Russia
148 1 Bag containing broken silverware
149 1 Heart shaped silver box and chain containing relics
150 2 Wooden crosses with silver edges -=
151 1 Large incense burner with tray and branches for candles
152 1 Silver covered 3 tiered table with Communion
153 1 Silver cross set with stone in centre
154 1 Silver cross with glass case in centre containing relics In memory of Petros and his father Michael and his wife Mary, presented through Stepanos Vardapet by Jacob 1754
155 1 Silver chalice with paten Presented by Ishkhan M. Zorab1 1854
156 1 Rose water sprinkler, silver
157 1 Rose water sprinkler, silver
158 2 Candlesticks, silver
159 1 Silver bowl, plain
160 1 Silver bowl Presented by John M. Apcar[19] 1907
161 1 Silver belt and buckle
162 1 Silver belt clasp
163 4 Silver mitre crosses
164 1 Silver salver, small
165 1 Silver soup ladle
166 1 Silver server
167 3 Silver spoons
169 2 Copper chandeliers for candles
169 22 Copper branches for candles
170 6 Plated candlesticks
171 2 Large brass candlesticks
172 2 Small candlesticks
173 3 Large brass triangular shape base candlesticks
174 3 Copper candlesticks
175 1 Copper circular basin (Thast)
176 2 Brass branches for candles
177 2 Brass branches for candles
178 1 Silver small box for carrying Communion
179 1 Large kettle, copper
180 1 Water jar, copper
181 6 Large curtains
182 4 Medium size curtains
183 8 Small size curtains
184 12 Purdahs
185 23 Old shoorjars or cloaks
186 7 Old aprons
187 5 Complete sets of silk vestments
188 3 Complete sets of vestments, rich embroidery and valuable silk
189 6 Mitres
190 2 Embroidered table covers
191 8 Pieces vestments, very old Presented by Mr. A. Stephen and J.C. Galstaun[20] 1922
192 1 Silver frame and painting of Virgin Mary
193 1 Silver candlestick
194 3 Silver clasps for church peons





Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Altar-piece in 3 parts, representing the Holy Trinity, the “Last Supper” and the Enshrouding of Our Lord In memory of Carapiet and Hosannah Balthazar by their children[21] 1902
2 1 Old and damaged alter-piece
3 1 Oil painting of the Crucifix on wood
4 2 Oil paintings representing the Saviour
5 1 Alter-piece, representing the Crucifix In memory of Jacob, son of Annania, to the Church of St. Sarkies in the town of Yawith in Armenia 1 October 1809
6 1 Altar-piece, representing the Saviour with his hands tied up Marked Ecce Home
7 1 Oil painting on copper, representing Virgin Mary In memory of Pogose and Zemrooth, children of Sahak and Mariam Khanoon, wife of Hovannes 1808
8 1 Oil painting on copper, presenting the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9 1 Oil painting representing the Saviour with his hands tied up
10 2 Oil paintings of Virgin Mary
11 1 Oil painting on copper, representing the Baptism of Christ
12 1 Oil painting on glass, representing the Birth of Christ
13 2 Small oil painting on wood, representing the Crucifix
14 1 Large oil painting of Virgin Mary and Christ
15 1 Large oil painting, representing the coat of arms of Armenia and the pictures of Haik, Aram, Tigran and Great and Terdat the Great
16 1 Painting of his Grace Sahak Ayvadian, Archbishop of Persia and India Presented by Mr. Mackertich 1909
17 2 Small oil paintings of His Holiness Neirses Catholicos
18 1 Oil painting of Mr. Aganoor, a teacher of the Armenian College
19 1 Oil painting of Mr. Arathoon Apcar Presented by the Hon. J.G. Apcar 1923
20 1 Oil painting of Mr. Gregory Apcar[22] Presented by the Hon. J.G. Apcar[23] 1923
21 1 (Roll of paper) manuscript of different prayers



Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Tower clock with 1 dial, brought out from England at the expense of Catchick Arakiel22 in the year 1792.  Repaired and 2 more dials added during the Wardenship of Johanness Avdall[24] in 1838, by L. Grey, Calcutta. Clocks made by Alexander Hare, 1791 1792
2 1 Large clock originally belonging to Chinsurah Church, made in Amsterdam by I.M. Juntis
3 1 Round clock by Cooke and Kelvey
4 1 Round clock by Bennett
5 1 Large clock Presented by Mr. J. Boisogomoff[25] 1923
6 3 Ordinary clocks
7 1 Church bell made in 1752
8 1 Church bell made in 1757
9 3 Church bells without dates



Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Teak wood table In memory of Mrs. Mary Thaddeus C. Avetoom, by her son Avetoom[26] 1900
2 1 Teak wood small table Presented by Arathoon Thomas Apcar[27] 1904
3 2 Clay slabs representing coat of arms of Armenia


4 254 Armed chairs
5 85 Armless chairs
6 1 Bishop’s chair
7 1 Telescopic table
8 3 Round tables
9 5 Marble top tables
10 4 Tea poys
11 8 Bedsteads
12 1 Iron bedstead
13 14 Almirahs
14 5 Glass almirahs
15 1 Book shelf
16 8 Clothes horses
17 6 Linen baskets
18 1 Typewriter – English
19 1 Press copying press – Armenian
20 14 Benches
21 5 Wooden partitions
22 8 Wooden half doors
23 6 Writing tables
24 3 Toilet tables
25 1 Meatsafe almirah
26 4 Side boards
27 1 Invalid couch
28 5 Reading desks
29 250 Foot rests
30 4 Easy chairs
31 73 Photos and pictures
32 1 Stationery cabinet
33 4 Maps
34 4 Brass jardinières
35 36 Electric fans Presented by Mr. J. Boisogomoff21 1902
36 3 Electric table fans
37 3 Large carpets
38 19 Small carpets
39 3 Iron safes
40 2 Wooden collection boxes
41 3 Large wooden boxes
42 7 Small tables
43 1 Secretariat table
44 11 Electric chandeliers
45 1 Large framed picture, representing the “Last  Supper”
46 1 Large hanging lamp
47 5 Street lamps
48 1 Motor car



St. John’s Church Chinsurah


Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Large baptismal silver bowl Presented by Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Apcarii in memory of their son Arathoon 1905
2 1 Solid silver hanging lamp    
3 1 Solid silver book stand    
4 2 New Testaments with silver crosses on them    
5 1 Large silver Old and New Testament book stand In memory of Hovanjan Eliza 1825
6 1 Silver cross plain For the use of St. John’s Church 1804
7 1 Silver cross plain Presented by Sarah Johanness 1899
8 1 Silver cross, gilt In memory of Mariam[28], the wife of Joseph David Melik Baglarovian 1883
9 1 Silver cross Presented by Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Abraham[29] 1921
10 1 Silver cross Presented by Emeli C.J. Avetoom 1901
11 2 Diamond cut solid silver sockets for large candles In memory of Agha Joseph Eminiii  
12 1 Silver belt clasp Presented by Sarah S.A. Apcar, in memory of Mrs. Sarkies A. Apcar 1802
13 1 Silver Monstrance Presented by Arathoon G. Gregory[30] in memory of his parents 1847
14 1 Bookstand in the shape of a Lyre Presented by Sahak George Jacob in memory of his parents 1847
15 1 Diamond cut silver bowl In memory of Carapiet Jacob Johanness 1817
16 1 Silver belt clasp In memory of Agha Catchick husband of Mariamkhanoom 1797
17 1 Saint’s gilt arm containing relics of St. John    
18 1 Silver incense holder    
19 1 Chased solid silver swinging incense burner    
20 2 Solid silver chandeliers each with 5 branches for candles Presented in 1805 1805
21 1 Chased silver chalice with paten In memory of Anna G.M. Shircore[31], the only daughter of Carapiet Jacob 1840
22 1 Chased silver chalice with paten In memory of Vartanness, by his wife Woskoom 1781
23 1 Chased silver chalice with paten In memory of Gregory A. Avetick 1846
24 1 Chased silver chalice with paten In memory of George, son of Ter Simon 1781
25 1 Silver cross, plain    
26 4 Small candlesticks, silver    
27 1 Silver bowl    
28 1 Silver bowl    
29 1 Silver covered New Testament    
30 1 Solid silver wash hand bowl and ewer In memory of Ter Hovanness Catchick Arakiel[32] 1834
31 1 Wooden box for St. John’s arm and relics Presented by Johanness Jacob 1817
32 1 Large alter-piece (painting) representing “The Crucifix” and The Holy Trinity    
33 1 Painting of Virgin Mary on glass    
34 1 New Testament with silver cross on it    
35 1 Picture “The Crucifix”    
36 1 Painting on glass representing the descent of the body of Christ from the cross    
37 1 Wooden cross painted the Crucifix    
38 6 Silver vow crosses    
39 1 Gold vow cross    
40 1 Silver salver    
41 12 Silver candlesticks    
42 1 Silver hanging lamp frame In memory of Vardini Jordan 1913
43 1 Large chandelier for 10 candles    
44 3 Large chandeliers for 6 candles    
45 12 Brass branches for 2 candles    
46 1 Large hanging lamp    
47 3 Wooden reading desks with 3 pairs brass candlesticks    
48 1 Small wooden reading desk    
49 12 Brass candlesticks    
50 12 Plated candlesticks    
51 6 Large brass candlesticks    
52 12 Smaller brass candlesticks    
53 3 Very large brass candlesticks    
54 5 Small candlesticks    
55 2 Street lamps    
56 4 Large china vases    
57 12 Large china vases    
58 8 Metal vases    
59 3 Almirahs    
60 3 Large carpets    
61 1 Small carpet    
62 3 Large purdahs    
63 10 small purdahs    
64 30 Altar cloths, table covers, vestments etc.    
65 1 Telescopic table    
66 1 Clock    
67 1 Writing table    
68 41 Armed chairs    
69 49 Chairs armless    
70 14 Square tables    
71 1 Brass gong    
72 4 Beds    
73 1 Linen basket    
74 2 Clothes horses    
75 3 Tea poys    
76 3 Benches    
77 2 Whatnots    
78 1 Gown stand    
79 1 Toilet table    
80 2 Kitchen tables    
81 60 Foot rests    
82 2 Old durries    
83 4 Church bells    


Karya Church of St. Gregory, Calcutta (aka The Small Church)


Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Altar-piece oil painting    
2 1 Oil painting on glass, representing the Crucifix Presented to Ter Hovsep Stephen 1796
3 1 Small oil painting on copper, representing the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4 48 Armed chairs
5 48 Foot stools
6 1 Large curtain
7 2 Small curtains
8 2 Coffin tables
9 2 Ladders
10 1 Wooden partition
11 3 Large candlesticks, copper
12 2 Glass chandeliers
13 23 Copper candlesticks
14 6 Glass candlesticks


Tangra Holy Church of the Resurrection, Calcutta


Serial No. Quantity Articles In memory of Year
1 1 Altar-piece oil painting In memory of Hovanjan Petros[33] 1786
2 1 Silver cross In memory of Pirmargar, son of Mirjan 1730
3 3 Glass chandeliers
4 2 Glass chandeliers small
5 12 Copper candlesticks
6 2 Large curtains
7 8 Small curtains
8 1 Reading desk
9 12 Benches
10 2 Coffin tables and covers
11 2 Foot rests
12 2 Durries
13 5 Large pictures
14 1 Teakwood table
15 6 Armless chairs
16 1 Dressing table
17 1 Bedstead
18 2 Church bells


[1] I believe this is quite likely to be Mrs. Ishkhan Manuk ZORAB. The ZORAB family were an extremely important Armenian family of Calcutta, whose descendants are now spread around the world; from New Zealand to Southampton in the UK.

[2] I believe this is Stephen George Bagram, a major benefactor of the Armenian Church, Calcutta – see his grave

[3] I believe this is Eliaz Owen Moses who was an attorney to the Armenian community of Calcutta

[4] Ethel died on the 30th June 1902 aged 18 years 1 month and 1 day – see her grave

[5] The AVETOOM family are connected to many Armenian families of Calcutta: Agabeg, Galstaun, Apcar, Moses, Thaddeus, Arathoon, Nahapiet, to name but a few.

[6] I believe this to be Hovhannes Manuk Zorab of the Bengal Medical Service – see his grave

[7] Catchick Thaddeus Avetoom died 17 April 1906 – see his grave

[8] Shamir Beglar died 25 August 1833 in Chinsurah – see his grave

[9] Miss Sogom Malchus, born 29 November 1837, died 3 June 1851. Father: Nicholas Isaac Malchus, mother: Teki Owen

[10] Mrs. Hripsima Matilda APCAR nee AVEDICK – see grave.

[11] Stephen Simon STEPHEN married Katrina GREGORY at the Armenian Church Calcutta on 12 November 1867, the loss of their infant child Simon was a terrible blow to the family.  Katrina GREGORY’s family was large, and today they live around the world; New Zealand, Florida, various parts of the UK, Australia, USA to name but a few.

[12] Aristide C. JOHN was Greek by birth. His wife Sarah nee PAUL was the daughter of the extremely and highly regarded Armenian attorney, Peter Jacob PAUL who was the trusted legal adviser of the Armenian Church Calcutta for over two decades and who offered all legal advise and guidance to them without any charge. The PAUL family are intrinsically linked with the GREEKS of Calcutta, as one of Sarah’s brothers, Sir Gregory Charles PAUL also served the Armenian Community.  It is claimed that, although he served as a loyal and dedicated member of the Armenian community for over 30 years during which time, like his father, all his legal advice was given free of any fees to the Armenian Church, upon Sir Gregory’s death the Armenian Church committee refused to allow him to be buried in the grounds of the Armenian Church Calcutta and he was therefore subsequently buried in the Greek Church cemetery.

[13] Lizzi Thaddeus nee ARRAKIEL was married to Thaddeus Mesrope THADDEUS – see graves.  Lizzie was a niece to Sir Catchick Paul Chater, and her ancestry can be traced as far back as 1650 to the Minas family dynasty of New Julfa.

[14]Gregory Tharverdy Thorose – see grave

[15] Anna – see grave.  She was married to Alexander APCAR. They had 4 daughters; this silver cross was presented by her daughter Minnie who was married to John Marchmont GREGORY.

[16] Descendants exist today through his sons David PETRUS and Owen Jacob PETRUS.

[17] Arratoon Hyrapiet CREET was married to Merghatoon (Mary) B. Hovakim her family was very large with many connections to almost every major Armenian family of Calcutta: the Lucas, Malcolm, Michael, Gasper, Johannes, Zeytoon, Mesrope, Zorab, Aganoor, George, Martin, Emin, Arathoon, Chater, Joseph, Marcar, Hyrapiet, Thaddeus, Avetoom, Jordan, Sarkies, Carapiet, Basil, Galestin and more.  Arratoon Hyrapiet CREET’S brother Peter Hyrapiet CREET was a major contributor and benefactor of the Armenian College of Calcutta, famously donating the swimming pool, amongst other things. He died at Trieste in northern Italy and is buried at the Armenian Roman Catholic Mekhitharist Monastary on the island of San Lazarro near Venice opposite the tomb of Abbot Mekhithar the Founder of the Mekhitharist Order.

[18] David Minas JACOB, born 9th October 1900

[19] John Minas APCAR was the son of Minas Vertannes APCAR.  See endnoteii

[20] Both Arratoon Stephen and Johannes Carapiet Galstaun were major contributors and benefactors of the Armenian Church of Calcutta.  See their graves.

[21] Known as ‘Car’ Balthazar, he was a merchant and auctioneer but became a jeweller to King Theebaw who reigned in Burma from 1878 to 1885. The King gave Car’s wife Hosannah a valuable necklace, which became a family heirloom until it was stolen in London.  Hosannah was a half sister to Lizzie Thaddeus nee ARRAKIEL mentioned above.

[22] Gregory APCAR died 23rd June 1847 – see grave.  Gregory Apcar stated in a Deed of Trust dated 25th March 1913, that his firm, Apcar & Co., had for many years provided certain yearly sums for support and maintenance of relatives and descendants of his grandfather and grandmother living in Julpha and the neighbourhood and that Gregory Apcar was desirous of continuing such provision.  Gregory’s first wife, Khatchkhathoon SARKIES was the daughter of Johannes Ter SARKIES and Elizabeth ARRAKIEL, whose own father Catchick ARRAKIEL had donated the clock in the tower of the Armenian Church, Calcutta.

[23] Johannes G. APCAR was a son of Gregory Apcar and brother to Arathoon APCAR.

[24] Johannes Avdall was headmaster of the Armenian College Calcutta for 45 years.  He married Tekli Sarkies on the 11th December 1830 at the Armenian Church. Tekli’s father was Johannes Ter Sarkies and her mother was Elizabeth Arrakiel. Elizabeth Arrakiel’s father was Catchick Arrakiel who donated the clock still position in the tower of the Armenian Church today.

[25] Buried at Tangra, but his grave is badly worn and cannot be read.  However, On a black marble tablet fixed on the outside south wall of the church, it says “This tablet is erected as a mark of remembrance of the kindness of Mr. John Boisogomoff of Tiflis in furnishing the church and the 1st and 2nd flats of the Parochial buildings with 39 electric fans and wiring for installation on the 27th January 1902”

[26] A number of Armenians worked at the Calcutta Stock Exchange, several of whom were members of the Calcutta Stock Exchange Association.

Major T.C. Avetoom, was the first Armenian to establish his own firm at the Calcutta Stock Exchange.  Avetoon worked as an exchange broker before the formation of the Calcutta Stock Exchange Association, of which he became a founder member in 1908 and later a committee member.  In 1969 his portrait was hanging in the Stock Exchange Hall.

Avetoom was educated at La Martiniere College, joined the Calcutta Volunteer Rifle Corps, attained the rank of major and was appointed the commandant of his corps.  He was an exceptionally good shot and when a captain won two medals.  One was presented to him by members of the “B” Company Challenge Shield Team and the other by the First Battalion of the Calcutta Volunteer Rifle Corps.  When he was a major he was presented with a marble clock (dated 1892) by the “4” Inter-Company Contingent.

[27] He was part of the APCAR clan, a barrister.  He died 20 March 1905.

[28] Mariam was Joseph’s first wife. She died 25 November 1878 – see grave.

[29] Mary Abraham’s family (nee Sarkies) was from Chinsurah, her father Abraham Joseph Sarkies is buried there – see grave.

[30] Arathoon Galistan GREGORY born 28 April 1804 Smyrna, Turkey, died 26 December 1867 Calcutta – see grave.

[31] Anna married George Manuk SHIRCORE 12th June 1838 at the Armenian Church Calcutta. They had 8 children, Anna died 14th  March 1851 a month after giving birth to a daughter.  Anna’s father was Carapiet Jacob and her mother Taghui Arrakiel, was the daughter of Moses Catchick Arrakiel whose own father was Catchick Arrakiel who famously donated the clock to the Armenian Church at Calcutta.

[32] Reverend (Ter) Johanness Catchick Arrakiel had been ordained a priest for the service of the Armenian church of St. John the Baptist, at Chinsurah at the special desire of his pious mother, died at Calcutta on the 29th October 1832 aged 52 years, and was buried inside the church of Nazareth where both his parents and elder brother are interred, in the north side.

[33] From the Inventory of his Will and possessions it is estimated that he died between 1786-1797

[i] A successful merchant of Calcutta, he was the head of the Armenian community there and was held in high esteem by his compatriots for his benevolence and his charities.

He built the beautiful Armenian Church at Saidabad near Murshidabad in 1758, entirely at his own expense in memory of his parents.  There was a brass tablet on the north wall of the Armenian church at Saidabad, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with an inscription in Armenian, from which it appears that the church was built by Khojah Petrus to the memory of his revered parents, Arathoon his father and Hosannah his mother, Dastagool his wife, Khojah Gregory (Gorgin Khan) and Agah Barsegh (Basil) his brothers and all his blood relations, whether dead of alive.  This tablet is now in the picture gallery of the Armenian Church at Calcutta.

In addition, he repaired and embellished the Armenian Church of Calcutta in 1763, and built two additional altars inside the church, one of the right side of the main altar, in memory of his brother Gorgin Khan, who was assassinated near Monghyr, and the other on the left side to commemorate his memory.  Joseph Emin, an Armenian of Calcutta, in his “Life and Adventures” book printed in 1792 in London, calls Khojah Petrus “the early God of the Calcutta Armenians” which clearly shows the high esteem in which he was held by his countrymen.” Source: Armenians in India by Mesrovb Seth P.345.

[ii] Mrs. M.V. Apcar’s name was Louise nee Malchus.  Her husband, Minas Vertannes Apcar came to India from Persia in 1876 at 14 years of age with only the clothes he was wearing. Funded by his second cousin Alexander “Fat Alec” Apcar, fourteen years his senior, he was sent to St Xaviers (for 6 months) and the Armenian Colleges (for 1 year) to study, and equipped himself with some business skills. He entered the firm of Burn & Co, but after a short while joined Apcar and Demetrius. He left to set up his own business holding jute agencies, then becoming successively a Zemindar and Colliery owner.

Apcar was interested in various concerns.  He owned jute presses at Ghaora hat, Dewan hat, Baneswar, Balarumpur, Kakinee, Haitibanda, Baura, Gauripur, and Dubri.  He also owned a colliery at Joyrampore (Jharia Field), was a agent for the Seang Line of Steamers plying between India and Chinese ports, and owner of several houses in Calcutta. He was a member of the Bengal chamber of Commerce, the Legislative Council and the Corporation, and a warden of the Armenian Church [in Calcutta]. Source: Liz Chater research and Armenian Settlements in India by Annie Basil P.141.

[iii] Joseph Emin was born in Hamadan, Iran, in 1726, and came to India for his education.

Being intensely patriotic, he set himself the task of endeavouring to rescue his countrymen from the yoke of anti-Christian oppressors. With hardly any resources at his disposal, he went to England for a course of military training, which he succeeded in obtaining through the generosity and help of the English aristocracy, with whom he became acquainted and whose sympathy for the cause of his compatriots he was able to enlist.

After succeeding in his objective, he set out for Armenia via Turkey and Georgia, his aim being the organization of a joint force of Armenians and Georgians for attainment of freedom. Unfortunately, he met with very serious opposition everywhere and, after long struggles and extensive travels lasting over two decades, he was compelled to abandon his plan and return to India. He passed away in Calcutta in 1809 and was laid to rest in the churchyard of the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth.

WhiIe he was not able to render material help to his community in Calcutta, his zeal, enthusiasm and great patriotism are unforgettable, and his undaunted spirit and unceasing efforts stand as a praiseworthy example for his Nationals.

At the suggestion of his friends, Joseph Emin wrote his Memoirs in English, translations of which, in Armenian, are expected to be published in America shortly. A book entitled “The Life and Adventures of Joseph Emin”, containing his memoirs, letters to friends, and experiences, was compiled and published by his great-great-granddaughter, the late Miss Amy Apcar. Source: Armenians in Australia and New Zealand, Father Aramais Mirzaian, P.190.


[iv] In 1796, through the munificence of Jacob Petrus, an opulent Armenian merchant of Bombay and a native of Hamadan in Persia, the indispensable national church was erected for divine worship in the Fort.  It is situated in Medows Street, where an Armenian priest is maintained for the spiritual requirements of the few Armenian families.

At the foot of the altar of the church is a square tablet with an inscription in Armenian, of which the following is a verbatim translation:

“This holy church was erected in the name of the holy Apostle Peter, during the Patriarchate of His Holiness Lucas, the Catholicos of the Armenians, by the munificence of Mr. Jacob of Hamadan, to the memory of his late parents, Mr. Petrus, his father and Zanazan Khatoon, his mother, the foundation stone of which was laid by Archbishop James, who was on an evangelical tour in India on behalf of the Holy See of Etchmiatzin in the year of our Lord, 1796, on the 14th day of Thirah (12th October).” Source: Armenians in India by Mesrovb Seth P.294

List of Armenian Churches in Asia

List of Armenian Church in Asia

Saint Mary’s Armenian Church, Chennai
60 Armenian Street

Saint John the Baptist Armenian Church, Chinsurah
4/4 Armanitola
West Bengal

Holy Resurrection Armenian Church Dhaka
4 Armenian Street

The Armenian Chapel, Delhi
Armenian Cemetery Rama Park
Kishan Gunj

Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth, Kolkata
2 Armenian Street
Kolkata 700001
West Bengal

Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church, Kolkata
41B North Range,
Kolkata 700071
West Bengal

Saint Peter’s Armenian Church, Mumbai
Ararat Building
89 Nagindas Master Road
Mumbai 400023

Saint Mary’s Armenian Church, Saidabad
Girbijapara, P.O. Khagra
West Bengal

Armenian Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator Singapore
60 Hill Street
Singapore 179366

Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Tangra
2 South Tangra Road
Kolkata 700046
West Bengal

Yangon Armenian Church
66 Bo Aung Kyaw Street
Yangon 11182

John Murray Sephton memorial, Bartley Cricket Pitch. 2023.

Lieutenant Commander John Murray Sephton D.S.C., R.N.

There is a very small memorial stone on the edge of a local cricket pitch near to me. It is of John Murray Sephton who was posthumously awarded the DSC for his bravery during the Falklands War in 1982.

In 2007 I made a conscious effort that once a year, I would go and tidy it up, trim the overgrown grass and place a poppy. Here are some photographs I have taken over the years of the clean up. It’s a small memorial, I’m happy to do it, pair of shears and a small knife and it’s done.

Update: By 2023 this memorial is being remembered by local school children, and visited annually as part of Armistice commemorations. Due to the very heavy rain we have experienced I was unable to do any of the cleaning up. I will return when the weather is dryer and the area isn’t so muddy.

Extracted from the London Gazette 8 October 1982

The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve the Posthumous award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished service during the operations in the South Atlantic:

Distinguished Service Cross

Lieutenant Commander John Murray SEPHTON, Royal Navy.

On 21st May 1982, HMS ARDENT on station in San Carlos Water came under heavy attack from the Argentine Air Force and sustained many bomb hits, causing great damage and loss of life. After the loss of the Seacat missile system, Lieutenant Commander Sephton, the Flight Commander organised the use of small arms by the Flight as a last ditch defence against the concentrated and severe enemy attacks. In a dangerous and desperate situation he was last seen directing fire on the exposed Flight Deck, shooting a sub machine gun vertically up into an A4 Skyhawk the instant before, it dropped the bombs that killed him. Three other Flight members were also killed. Lieutenant Commander Sephton’s extreme valour and self-sacrifice was an example and inspiration to all the Ship’s Company and undoubtedly deterred the enemy from making even more attacks.


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